1 Overview
1.1 Registration Details
1.2 Customer Login
1.3 Customer Details
2 Equity
2.1 Order Book
2.2 Order Book Details
2.3 Modify Order
2.4 Cancel Order
2.5 Placement
2.6 Portfolio
2.7 Position
2.8 Stock Search
2.9 Demat Allocation
2.10 Get Quote
2.11 Limit
2.12 Covert To Delivery
2.13 Basket Order
2.14 iClick-2-Invest
2.15 Cash Projection
2.16 Security Projection
2.17 I-Sec Margin Details
2.18 ETF List
2.19 NCD List
2.20 Stock List
2.21 Prepaid Usage Summary
2.22 My Message
2.23 Market Messages
2.24 SEP Request Book
2.25 Existing SEP
2.26 SEP Stock List
2.27 ETF SEP Stock List
2.28 I-Sec Margin History
2.29 SEP Place Order
2.30 iClick-2-Gain
2.31 Share as margin: Modify Securities Limit
2.32 Share as margin: Blocked Securities
2.33 Share as margin: Request Book
2.34 ESP Orderbook Details
2.35 Allocate Funds
3 F&O
3.1 Order Book
3.2 Order Book Details
3.3 Modify Order
3.4 Cancel Order
3.5 Placement
3.6 Portfolio
3.7 GetQuote
3.8 Limit
3.9 Open Position
3.10 Margin Calculator
3.11 Isec Margin Details
3.12 Isec Margin History
3.13 Cash Prjection
3.14 Stock List
3.15 Favourite List
3.16 Converted To Future
3.17 Market Message
3.18 Profit And Loss Statement
3.19 Trade Book Details
3.20 Limit Price Calculator
3.21 Square Off
3.22 Add Margin
3.23 View Margin
4 Mutual Fund
4.1 Order Placement
4.2 Order Details
4.3 SIP
4.4 SIP Modify
4.5 SIP Book
4.6 Folio
4.7 Unit Holding
4.8 Generate OTP
4.9 Amfi Scheme
4.10 UPI Registration
4.11 UPI Registration Status
4.12 UPI Modification
4.13 UPI Verification
4.14 UPI Deletion
ICICI direct API are a set of JSON REST api which enable user to transact on ICICI direct platform. Authentication is done following the oauth 2.0 protocol. In case you are not familiar with oauth 2.0, you can read the same from blog here.
User will need to come and register on ICICI direct developer portal. User will need to input below fields:
App Name
Registered URL
Redirect URL
After this user will create AppKey and client_secret which will be unique to app. All requests need to have parameter of AppKey , Checksum and Timestamp.
Registration Details
User Registration Page
Login Page
Checksum is computed via SHA256 hash ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Redirect response on login request is form post.
All json data is to be stringify and sent to Idirect system
You can use below URL for token mapping at your end, the file is generated/updated daily at 8:00 AM.
Registration APP
Customer Login
Request :- Following input parameters need to post on URL: and it will redirect you to Customer Login Page.
Parameter Type Deafult Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( AppKey + Time Stamp + secret_key )
NOTE : Output of Customer Login will provide API_Session which need to provide as a request parameters in Customer Details
to get Customer Details
Customer Login Page
Customer Details
Parameter Type Deafult Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
UserID String N/A Yes
API_Session String N/A Yes
APPKey String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status 200 Success,500 Failure
Error null if no error else Applicable error
Idirect_Userid String ICICI direct userid
SessionToken String Token which needs to be passed to all other api for validation.
idirect_user_name String User name in ICICI direct system.
exg_trade_date String[] NSE/BSE/NFO/NDX trade date
exg_status String[] NSE/BSE/NFO/NDX exchange status
segments_allowed String[] Segments allowed for user.
idirect_lastlogin_time String Last login time of user on ICICI direct platform.
Request Example:-
"time_stamp":"03-Jul-2019 12:47:23",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"exg_trade_date": {
"NSE": "20-Jun-2019",
"BSE": "20-Jun-2019",
"FNO": "03-Jul-2019",
"NDX": "02-Jul-2019"
"exg_status": {
"NSE": "O",
"BSE": "O",
"FNO": "O",
"NDX": "O"
"segments_allowed": {
"Trading": "Y",
"Equity": "Y",
"Derivatives": "Y",
"Currency": "Y"
"Idirect_Userid": "test",
"SessionToken": "1173201",
"idirect_user_name": "ert ert",
"idirect_lastlogin_time": "03-Jul-2019 12:47:37"
Allocate Funds
Request:-Following input parameters need to post on URL:
Parameter Type Deafult Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
product String N/A Yes (Equity/FNO/MF)
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of (Appkey + time_stamp + Secrete_key + idirect_userid + SessionToken + product)
Order Book
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes Session token retuned in client detiails api
order_from_dt String N/A No DD-Mon-YYYY
order_to_dt String N/A No DD-Mon-YYYY
order_xchng_cd String N/A No A for All, else NSE/BSE
order_etf_flg String "N" No Default Values to be sent
order_status String "A" No
order_product_type String "A" No
order_stock_code String "A" No
order_refrence String No Need to refresh for a single order refrence.
Checksum String Single Yes Combination of (Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status 200 Success,500 Failure
Error null if no error else Applicable error
order_product String Ignore
order_validity String Ignore
order_quantity String Quanity at the time of placement
order_rate String rate at which order was accepted by ICICI direct system, it will be LTP for market order or price entered by user in case of Limit order.
order_stp_loss_price String Stop loss if added.
order_disclosed_qty String Disclosed quantity if given.
order_stock_cd String ICICI Direct stock code.
order_xchng_cd String Exchange code.
order_xchng_ack String Exchange acknowledgement number
order_status String Order status
order_open_qty String Open Quantity at exchange end.
order_executed_qty String Executed quantity
order_cancelled_qty String Cancelled Quantity
order_expired_qty String Expired Quantity
MsgTyp String
order_refrence String Order Reference
Remark String Remarks during order placement
Order_WeightedAveragePrice String Average price of order executed.
R – Requested, Request taken by ICICI direct system.
Q – Queued, Request sent to Exchange.
O – Request is open at Exchange.
P – Request is partly filled at Exchange.
E – Request is executed at Exchange.
J – Request is rejected by exchange/ICICI direct system.
X – Request expired by exchange/ICICI direct system
C – Cancelled.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "26-Mar-2021 10:34:04",
"JSONPostData": "{\"order_from_dt\":\"21-Jun-2018\",\"order_xchng_cd\":\"A\",\"order_to_dt\":\"31-Dec-2020\",\"SessionToken\":\"721139\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"order_status\":\"A\",\"order_product_type\":\"A\"}",
"Checksum": "187b2541496d26e2dba57b7c0febdfd52fbed91cab3bb4c0de1f2236d290047b"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "TECMAH",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "1013.00",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "Q",
"order_plctm": "30-Dec-2020 10:25",
"order_plc_dt": "30-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201230N100000002",
"order_quantity": "19",
"order_open_qty": "19",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "HDFC",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "2449.10",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "Q",
"order_plctm": "30-Dec-2020 10:25",
"order_plc_dt": "30-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201230N100000003",
"order_quantity": "3",
"order_open_qty": "3",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "RELIND",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "2238.75",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "Q",
"order_plctm": "30-Dec-2020 10:25",
"order_plc_dt": "30-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201230N100000001",
"order_quantity": "20",
"order_open_qty": "20",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "NESIND",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "19593.00",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "Q",
"order_plctm": "24-Dec-2020 14:38",
"order_plc_dt": "24-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201224N100000040",
"order_quantity": "1",
"order_open_qty": "1",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "HINLEV",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "1979.95",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "Q",
"order_plctm": "24-Dec-2020 14:38",
"order_plc_dt": "24-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201224N100000039",
"order_quantity": "2",
"order_open_qty": "2",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "BRIIND",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "3801.10",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "Q",
"order_plctm": "24-Dec-2020 14:38",
"order_plc_dt": "24-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201224N100000038",
"order_quantity": "1",
"order_open_qty": "1",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "TCS",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "2560.00",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "Q",
"order_plctm": "24-Dec-2020 14:38",
"order_plc_dt": "24-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201224N100000025",
"order_quantity": "1",
"order_open_qty": "1",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "ICIBAN",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "497.00",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "X",
"order_plctm": "16-Dec-2020 16:25",
"order_plc_dt": "16-Dec-2020",
"order_refrence": "20201216N100000040",
"order_quantity": "2",
"order_open_qty": "0",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "2",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0",
"ordr_flw": "B"
Order Book Details
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_refernece String N/A Yes
order_flow String N/A Yes 'B'-Buy,'S'-Sell
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of (i/p parameter + client_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status 200 Success,500 Failure
Error null if no error else Applicable error
order_modification_counter Integer Modification counter.
order_xchng_ack_no String Exchange Acknowledgement number
order_xchng_ack_tm String Exchange Acknowledgement time
order_flow String 'B'-Buy,'S'-Sell
order_qty Integer Order Quanitity
order_rate Float rate at which order was accepted by ICICI direct system, it will be LTP for market order or price entered by user in case of Limit order.
order_stp_loss_price Float Stop loss if added.
order_disclosed_qty Integer Disclosed quantity if given.
order_type String 'L' limit, 'M' market
order_remarks String Order remarks
order_initial_limit Float initial limit price in case of limit order
order_intial_sltp Float intial stop loss trigger price
LTP String LTP at time of order placement
LimitOffset Float trailing amount
ord_mbc_flg String order market before flag
ord_cutoff_prc String order cutoff price
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "26-Mar-2021 11:09:46",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"721173\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"order_refernece\":\"20201230N100000002\",\"order_flow\":\"B\"}",
"Checksum": "0220d0d720e5869daf6cb52cad433b31c8910797e3038af66192c4e7265ac619"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"order_modification_counter": "1",
"order_xchng_ack_no": "*",
"order_xchng_ack_tm": "",
"order_flow": "B",
"order_qty": "19",
"order_rate": "1013.00",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_type": "M",
"order_remarks": "",
"order_initial_limit": "0.00",
"order_intial_sltp": "0.00",
"LTP": "0.00",
"LimitOffset": "0.00",
"ord_mbc_flg": "N",
"ord_cutoff_prc": "0.00"
OrderBook Modify Order
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes Session token retuned in client detiails api
order_reference String N/A Yes Order refrence of order
new_order_qty Long Yes New order qunatity
new_order_rate Double Yes New order rate
new_order_stp_loss_price Double No New Sltp price
new_order_disclosed_qty Double No New disclosed quantity
new_ord_typ String Yes 'L' limit, 'M' market
new_order_validity String Yes new_order_validity
order_quantity Long Yes Order quantity from order book
order_executed_qty Long Yes Order executed quantity from order book
Checksum String Single Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status 200 Success,500 Failure
Error null if no error else Applicable error
message String Message returned from system.
order_refrence String Order Refrence
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "26-Mar-2021 12:39:51",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"721288\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"order_reference\":\"20201230N100000002\",\"new_ord_typ\":\"L\",\"new_order_rate\":\"1013.00\",\"new_order_validity\":\"\",\"new_order_qty\":\"11\",\"order_quantity\":\"12\",\"order_executed_qty\":\"4\"}",
"Checksum": "9af390b8432eb65ea66940f68128e1af1fc11a75853e8e89ca0df2bbb34b3c65"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Your Order Modified successfully.",
"order_refrence": "20201216N100000040"
OrderBook Cancel Order
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes Session token retuned in client detiails api
order_reference String N/A Yes Order refrence of order
order_product String Yes Product from Order book api
order_flow String N/A Yes Flow from order book api
Checksum String Single Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status String 200 Success,500 Failure
Error String null if no error else Applicable error
Success String
message String Message returned from system.
order_refrence String Order Refrence
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "30-Mar-2021 10:15:23",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"728997\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"order_reference\":\"20201216N100000040\",\"order_product\":\"C\",\"order_flow\":\"B\"}",
"Checksum": "b9dbc5527e4321ec59586804c49d0cb44fc791d6f9c9376b3fe2c1799a6c8d8a"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Your Order Cancelled successfully.",
"order_refrence": "20201216N100000040"
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes Session token retuned in client detiails api
order_stock_cd String N/A Yes Stock code
order_xchng_cd String N/A Yes Exchange code NSE/BSE
order_product String Yes 'CASH','MARGIN'
order_type String Yes 'L' limit, 'M' market
order_validity String Yes 'I' - IOC / 'T' - Day
order_quantity String Yes Quantity from user.
order_rate Double No Price ( 0 for Mkt Orders )
order_flow String Yes 'B' - Buy / 'S' - Sell
order_stp_loss_price String N/A Yes 0 in case not given
order_disclosed_qty String Yes Disclosed qty ( 0 - Default value )
order_trade_dt String Yes In 'DD-Mon-YYYY' format reruned in client details response.
MsgTyp String Yes
Remark String Yes ESP remarks, can be max of 30 characters.
Checksum String Single Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status String 200 Success,500 Failure
Error String null if no error else Applicable error
Success String
message String Message returned from system.
MsgTyp String
Remark String
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "30-Mar-2021 10:24:53",
"JSONPostData": "{\"order_stock_cd\":\"ACC\",\"order_xchng_cd\":\"NSE\",\"order_product\":\"CASH\",\"order_type\":\"M\",\"order_validity\":\"T\",\"order_quantity\":\"10\",\"order_rate\":null,\"order_flow\":\"B\",\"order_stp_loss_price\":null,\"order_disclosed_qty\":null,\"order_trade_dt\":\"20-Jun-2019\",\"MsgTyp\":null,\"Remark\":null,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"729007\"}",
"Checksum": "7b34238cfd860305617efbfc130e6ed11e8fdbc6c767b4526a04dd4e28582616"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Equity CASH Order placed successfully through RI reference no 20210330N100000054",
"MsgTyp": null,
"Remark": null
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
portfolio_type String A Yes A - Holdings , Y - Zero Holding , Z - all holding.
SessionToken String N/A Yes Session token retuned in client detiails api
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status String 200 Success,500 Failure
Error String null if no error else Applicable error
Success String
portfolio_stock_cd string
SectorName string
Exchange string
Quantity int
AvgrageCastPrice string
BookedProfitLoss string
CurrentMarketPrice string
ChangePersentage string
AnswerFlag string
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "30-Mar-2021 14:03:06",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"729134\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"portfolio_type\":\"A\"}",
"Checksum": "595a39972e57f5fa046ebceda1b27859e6959f134372c36d54e80f0dca12543b"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"portfolio_stock_cd": "KINAIR",
"SectorName": "Alcoholic Beverages",
"Exchange": "BSE",
"Quantity": 1,
"AvgrageCastPrice": 2.83,
"BookedProfitLoss": -7066.63,
"CurrentMarketPrice": 1.36,
"ChangePersentage": 36,
"AnswerFlag": "N"
"portfolio_stock_cd": "BAAUTO",
"SectorName": "Auto/Auto ancillary",
"Exchange": "BSE",
"Quantity": 1,
"AvgrageCastPrice": 2854.3,
"BookedProfitLoss": 0,
"CurrentMarketPrice": 3658.65,
"ChangePersentage": -0.15963978714695,
"AnswerFlag": "N"
"portfolio_stock_cd": "SPEIND",
"SectorName": "Textile",
"Exchange": "BSE",
"Quantity": 669,
"AvgrageCastPrice": 3.23,
"BookedProfitLoss": -4659.75,
"CurrentMarketPrice": 0.75,
"ChangePersentage": 0,
"AnswerFlag": "N"
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes Session token retuned in client detiails api
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
order_product String
order_trade_date String
order_xchng_cd String
order_stock_code String
order_flow String
order_open_quantity string
ord_avg_exctd_rt string
ord_cover_qty string
order_stp_loss_price string
ord_limit_rate String
ord_profit_limit_rate string
LTP string
prft_lss_amt string
profit_loss_prcntg string
available_margin string
diff_avalabl_mrgn_min_mrgn string
order_segment_code string
order_setllement string
Square_Off_Mode string
mtf_sell_qty string
cnvrt_dlvry_qty string
mrgn_amt string
min_mrgn_amt string
mtf_net_amt_payble string
mtf_expiry_dt string
order_reference string
ord_sltp_refrence string
ord_profit_refrence string
cvr_ordr_flw string
cvr_exctqty string
pft_exctqty string
cvr_allwd string
sltp_modify_allwd string
sltp_cancel_allwd string
profit_allowed string
profit_modify string
profit_cancel string
cvr_lmt_mkt_flg string
pft_lmt_mkt_flg string
cvr_pipe_id string
DPID string
ClientID string
ord_sim_flg string
OppositeOrderFlag string
MyEOSFlag string
pledge_display string
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "30-Mar-2021 15:09:58",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"729253\"}",
"Checksum": "ddc286c34f3cdf010f588bf9140fb8d751a5093dc4295b731952a4d89e00e5f7"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"order_product": "B",
"order_trade_date": "31-Mar-2021",
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_code": "ACC",
"order_flow": "B",
"order_open_quantity": "3",
"ord_avg_exctd_rt": "1824.45",
"ord_cover_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0",
"ord_limit_rate": "0",
"ord_profit_limit_rate": "0",
"LTP": "1824.45",
"prft_lss_amt": "0",
"profit_loss_prcntg": "0",
"available_margin": "0",
"diff_avalabl_mrgn_min_mrgn": "0",
"order_segment_code": "N",
"order_setllement": "2021058",
"Square_Off_Mode": "*",
"mtf_sell_qty": "0",
"cnvrt_dlvry_qty": "0",
"mrgn_amt": "0",
"min_mrgn_amt": "0",
"mtf_net_amt_payble": "0",
"mtf_expiry_dt": "*",
"order_reference": "*",
"ord_sltp_refrence": "*",
"ord_profit_refrence": "*",
"cvr_ordr_flw": "*",
"cvr_exctqty": "0",
"pft_exctqty": "0",
"cvr_allwd": "*",
"sltp_modify_allwd": "*",
"sltp_cancel_allwd": "*",
"profit_allowed": "*",
"profit_modify": "*",
"profit_cancel": "*",
"cvr_lmt_mkt_flg": "*",
"pft_lmt_mkt_flg": "*",
"cvr_pipe_id": "*",
"DPID": "IN303028",
"ClientID": "50018512",
"ord_sim_flg": "N",
"OppositeOrderFlag": "N",
"MyEOSFlag": "N",
"pledge_display": ""
Stock Search
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
security_ORD_STCK_CD String EQ Yes 3 characters
security_TRNSCTN_FLW String N/A Yes E - Equity, F - Derivatives, M - Mutual Fund
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
security_StockString string
security_NNSeries string
security_OSeries string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "30-Mar-2021 15:51:11",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"729385\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"security_ORD_STCK_CD\":\"ACC\",\"security_TRNSCTN_FLW\":\"E\"}",
"Checksum": "613bc3d2a70a04428fe3a4edc9db703a0dda47a02157ce27f3d2a3a26a928c3d"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"security_StockString": "ACC (ACC LIMITED-INE012A01025)",
"security_NNSeries": "ACCEQ",
"security_OSeries": "ACC"
"security_StockString": "TRASYS (ACCEL LIMITED-INE258C01020)",
"security_NNSeries": "*",
"security_OSeries": "ACCEL"
"security_StockString": "TREHOU (TREE HOUSE EDUCATION & ACCESSO-INE040M01013)",
"security_NNSeries": "TREEHOUSEEQ",
"security_OSeries": "TREEHOUSE"
Demat Allocation
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
DPID String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
demat_StckCode string
demat_ISIN string
demat_TotQty string
demat_TotBlkQty string
demat_AvlQty string
demat_BlockedQty string
demat_AlocatedQty string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "30-Mar-2021 16:23:03",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"729544\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"DPID\":\"IN303028\",\"ORD_DP_CLNT_ID\":\"50018512\",\"EBA_ISIN_FLG\":\"E\"}",
"Checksum": "7447ef4e8f70b9501d193848b325b7536c1f31731e992803900d00ff41ed5e4b"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"demat_StckCode": "STABAN",
"demat_ISIN": "INE062A01020",
"demat_TotQty": "25",
"demat_TotBlkQty": "25",
"demat_AvlQty": "0",
"demat_BlockedQty": "0",
"demat_AlocatedQty": "1000"
"demat_StckCode": "NA",
"demat_ISIN": "INE090A01021",
"demat_TotQty": "27",
"demat_TotBlkQty": "27",
"demat_AvlQty": "0",
"demat_BlockedQty": "0",
"demat_AlocatedQty": "0"
"demat_StckCode": "BHEL",
"demat_ISIN": "INE257A01026",
"demat_TotQty": "25",
"demat_TotBlkQty": "25",
"demat_AvlQty": "0",
"demat_BlockedQty": "0",
"demat_AlocatedQty": "1000"
Get Quote
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
STCK_CD String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
Exchange string
LTP string
DayOpen string
DayClose string
DayHigh string
DayLow string
PreDayClose string
Change string
ChangePer string
HighPriceRange string
LowPriceRange string
DayVolume string
BestBidPrice string
BestOfferPrice string
BestBidQty string
BestOfferQty string
WeekHigh52 string
WeekLow52 string
LifeTimeHigh string
LifeTimeHighDate string
LifeTimeLow string
LifeTimeLowDate string
StockCode string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "30-Mar-2021 16:40:33",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"729631\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"STCK_CD\":\"ACC\"}",
"Checksum": "61497d9308e2d8edf8e8cfaaec99f85001bcf471dacd7a82beb7af71c0377e35"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"NSEQuote": {
"Exchange": "NSE",
"LTP": "1824.45",
"DayOpen": "1771.1",
"DayClose": "1824.45",
"DayHigh": "1788.5",
"DayLow": "1771.1",
"PreDayClose": "1767.1",
"Change": "57.35",
"ChangePer": "3.24543036613661",
"HighPriceRange": "1943.8",
"LowPriceRange": "1590.4",
"DayVolume": "80454",
"BestBidPrice": "1785.7",
"BestOfferPrice": "1786",
"BestBidQty": "7",
"BestOfferQty": "46",
"WeekHigh52": "1894",
"WeekLow52": "895.15",
"LifeTimeHigh": "1894",
"LifeTimeHighDate": "05-Mar-2021",
"LifeTimeLow": "64.46",
"LifeTimeLowDate": "23-Oct-1998"
"BSEQuote": {
"Exchange": "BSE",
"LTP": "1785.85",
"DayOpen": "1769.9",
"DayClose": "1767.8",
"DayHigh": "1788.25",
"DayLow": "1769.9",
"PreDayClose": "1767.8",
"Change": "18.05",
"ChangePer": "1.02104310442358",
"HighPriceRange": "1944.55",
"LowPriceRange": "1591.05",
"DayVolume": "2662",
"BestBidPrice": "1784.4",
"BestOfferPrice": "1786.65",
"BestBidQty": "54",
"BestOfferQty": "22",
"WeekHigh52": "1893.8",
"WeekLow52": "895.5",
"LifeTimeHigh": "1893.8",
"LifeTimeHighDate": "05-Mar-2021",
"LifeTimeLow": "64.86",
"LifeTimeLowDate": "23-Oct-1998"
"StockCode": "ACC"
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Exchange String N/A Yes
Segment String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
CashLimit string
AmtAllocated string
BlockAmt string
TotalSecuritiesallocatedamount string
CurrentSecuritiesLimit string
TotalCurrentLimit string
SettlementDt string
PayInAmt string
PatOutAmt string
Exchange string
SettlementNo string
Segment string
LimitType string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 10:22:04",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"729735\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"Exchange\":\"NSE\",\"Segment\":\"N\"}",
"Checksum": "ab90c64ee55395c44b8987f64f7a8ff3fa2359765bfd4e3745e47292c004bb2d"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"objlmt": [{
"SettlementDt": "06-Jun-2019",
"PayInAmt": 2967.2,
"PatOutAmt": 0,
"Exchange": "NSE",
"SettlementNo": "2019104",
"Segment": "Rolling",
"LimitType": "C"
}, {
"SettlementDt": "17-Jun-2019",
"PayInAmt": 6708.6,
"PatOutAmt": 0,
"Exchange": "BSE",
"SettlementNo": "201920051",
"Segment": "Rolling",
"LimitType": "C"
}, {
"SettlementDt": "20-Jun-2019",
"PayInAmt": 406.2,
"PatOutAmt": 0,
"Exchange": "NSE",
"SettlementNo": "2019114",
"Segment": "Rolling",
"LimitType": "C"
}, {
"SettlementDt": "20-Jun-2019",
"PayInAmt": 11407.6,
"PatOutAmt": 0,
"Exchange": "BSE",
"SettlementNo": "201920054",
"Segment": "Rolling",
"LimitType": "C"
"CashLimit": -3.63797880709171E-12,
"AmtAllocated": 16563,
"BlockAmt": 0,
"TotalSecuritiesallocatedamount": 0,
"CurrentSecuritiesLimit": 0,
"TotalCurrentLimit": -3.63797880709171E-12
Convert To Delivery
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
eq_QTY string N/A Yes
eq_STCK_CD string N/A Yes
eq_XCHNG_CD string N/A Yes
eq_XCHNG_SGMNT_CD string N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 10:48:37",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"eq_XCHNG_CD\":\"NSE\",\"eq_STCK_CD\":\"WIPRO\",\"eq_XCHNG_SGMNT_CD\":\"N\",\"eq_XCHNG_SGMNT_STTLMNT\":\"2019089\",\"eq_QTY\":\"1\",\"SessionToken\":\"730475\"}",
"Checksum": "106f06d5d41256981432496a6d926703d3a34fbe6f62fc440010db318814c43a"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Success"
Basket Order
Parameter Type Instance Required Description/Remark
AppKey String Single Yes
time_stamp String Single Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String Single Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String Single Yes
Basket_ORD_STCK_CD string Multiple Yes stock code
Basket_ORD_XCHNG_CD string Multiple Yes exchange code
Basket_ORD_PRDCT_TYP string Multiple Yes product type
Basket_ORD_ORDR_FLW string Multiple Yes order flow B if you want to buy. S if you want to sell.
Basket_ORD_EXCTD_QTY string Multiple Yes
Basket_ORD_TYP string Multiple Yes order type Market, Limit or Stop loss
Basket_ORD_EXCTD_RT string Multiple Yes
Basket_ORD_STP_LSS string Multiple Yes Stop loss price in case of stoploss order.
Basket_GMS_CSH_PRDCT_PRCNTG string Multiple Yes
Basket_ORD_DSCLSD_QTY string Multiple Yes Disclosed quantity in case of order
Basket_RQST_TYP string Multiple Yes
Basket_POINT_TYPE string Multiple Yes Hard code as T
Basket_SQ_FLAG string Multiple No
MsgTyp string Multiple No
Remark string Multiple No
Basket_ORD_TRD_DT string Single Yes Trade date format to be dd-Mon-yyyy
Basket_ORDER_NO string Single Yes
Checksum String Single Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
ErrMessage String Message returned from system.
Remarks String Message returned from system.
Basket_ORD_ORDR_RFRNC String Order Refrence No
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "01-Apr-2021 10:08:10",
"JSONPostData": "{\"_inputListData\":[{\"Basket_ORD_STCK_CD\":\"ACC\",\"Basket_ORD_XCHNG_CD\":\"NSE\",\"Basket_ORD_PRDCT_TYP\":\"C\",\"Basket_ORD_ORDR_FLW\":\"B\",\"Basket_ORD_EXCTD_QTY\":\"1\",\"Basket_ORD_TYP\":\"M\",\"Basket_ORD_EXCTD_RT\":\"0\",\"Basket_ORD_STP_LSS\":\"0\",\"Basket_GMS_CSH_PRDCT_PRCNTG\":\"0\",\"Basket_ORD_DSCLSD_QTY\":\"0\",\"Basket_RQST_TYP\":\"\",\"Basket_POINT_TYPE\":\"T\",\"Basket_SQ_FLAG\":\"\"},
"Checksum": "56E75A8EB1BA783383D7CDCFAB26334CF4EBC710BCC852A439CA011CDF3302E2"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"ErrMessage": "",
"Remarks": null,
"Basket_ORD_ORDR_RFRNC": "20210401N100000018"
"ErrMessage": "",
"Remarks": null,
"Basket_ORD_ORDR_RFRNC": "20210401N100000019"
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
InvestmentCode Investment Code
prodCode Product Code
statusCode Status Code
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
ical_TRNSCTN_ID string
ical_TRNSCTN_FLW string
ical_DAM_TRNSCTN string
ical_ANSWR_FLAG string
ical_ACTIVE string
ical_VALID_FLAG string
ical_MRGN_FLAG string
ical_LOW_RT string
ical_QUOTE string
ical_TRNSCTN_PRC string
ical_NN_HIGH_PRICE string
ical_NN_LOW_PRICE string
ical_ORD_STP_LSS string
ical_STCK_CD string
ical_XCHNG_CD string
ical_USR_ADDRSS_LN1 string
ical_USR_ADDRSS_LN2 string
ical_ARD_CRNNT_INVSTR string
ical_STK_STCK_NM string
ical_TRD_DT string
ical_CHART_TYPE string
ical_ARD_CLNT_RMRKS string
ical_EXPIRY_DATE string
ErrMsg String
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 14:42:10",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"statusCode\":\"O\",\"InvestmentCode\":\"Medium Term\",\"prodCode\":\"ALL\",\"SessionToken\":\"730632\"}",
"Checksum": "f7f44bce39a611b5294758cb371de8f7a112a0d76108fb62915516942514591d"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"ical_TRNSCTN_ID": "0",
"ical_TRNSCTN_FLW": "B",
"ical_DAM_TRNSCTN": "Y",
"ical_ANSWR_FLAG": "*",
"ical_ACTIVE": "E",
"ical_VALID_FLAG": "N",
"ical_MRGN_FLAG": "*",
"ical_LOW_RT": "13.1979695431472",
"ical_QUOTE": "1922.5",
"ical_TRNSCTN_PRC": "1970",
"ical_NN_HIGH_PRICE": "0",
"ical_NN_LOW_PRICE": "2230",
"ical_ORD_STP_LSS": "1815",
"ical_STCK_CD": "KOTMAH",
"ical_XCHNG_CD": "NSE",
"ical_USR_ADDRSS_LN1": "IDirect_GladiatorStocks_KotakBankGrasim_Feb21.pdf",
"ical_USR_ADDRSS_LN2": "",
"ical_ARD_CRNNT_INVSTR": "6 month",
"ical_ARD_PRDCT_TYP_RQSTD": "Gladiator Stocks",
"ical_TRD_DT": "05-Feb-2021",
"ical_CHART_TYPE": "*",
"ical_ARD_CLNT_RMRKS": "",
"ical_EXPIRY_DATE": "*"
"ical_TRNSCTN_ID": "0",
"ical_TRNSCTN_FLW": "B",
"ical_DAM_TRNSCTN": "Y",
"ical_ANSWR_FLAG": "*",
"ical_ACTIVE": "E",
"ical_VALID_FLAG": "",
"ical_MRGN_FLAG": "*",
"ical_LOW_RT": "-100",
"ical_QUOTE": "1180",
"ical_TRNSCTN_PRC": "10",
"ical_NN_HIGH_PRICE": "0",
"ical_NN_LOW_PRICE": "20",
"ical_ORD_STP_LSS": "0",
"ical_STCK_CD": "BEML",
"ical_XCHNG_CD": "NSE",
"ical_USR_ADDRSS_LN1": "",
"ical_USR_ADDRSS_LN2": "",
"ical_ARD_CRNNT_INVSTR": "3 Months",
"ical_ARD_PRDCT_TYP_RQSTD": "Mid Year Strategy",
"ical_TRD_DT": "21-Sep-2015",
"ical_CHART_TYPE": "*",
"ical_ARD_CLNT_RMRKS": "Target 2 Achieved",
"ical_EXPIRY_DATE": "*5-Apr-2019"
Cash Projection
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
date string
Exchange string
Segment string
Settlement string
CSB_DB_CR_FLG string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"B2125UR07222384n04_92*161s0+4b77","time_stamp":"16-Mar-2020 17:58:51",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"cashproj": [{
"date": "2020-May-14",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Segment": "Rolling",
"Settlement": "2020089",
"Message": "",
"date": "2020-May-14",
"CumBalance": "9483027.1"
Security Projection
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
ACTIVE string
PRDCT_TYP string
date string
CSB_DB_CR_FLG string
StockCode string
Exchange string
Segment string
SettlementNo string
ExecQuantity string
Quote string
Avegprice string
MaxSellQty string
BlockedQty string
AvailableQty string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"13-May-2020 16:58:35",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"securityProj": [{
"ACTIVE": "Y",
"date": "15-May-2020",
"StockCode": "ACC",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Segment": "N",
"SettlementNo": "2020089",
"ExecQuantity": "5",
"Quote": "1327",
"Avegprice": "1327",
"MaxSellQty": "5",
"BlockedQty": "0",
"AvailableQty": "5"
"Message": "",
"BTSTClientEnableFlag": "Y",
"ACTIVE": "Y",
"BTSTEnableFlag": "Y"
I-Sec Margin Details
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
Message string
TradeDate string
BankAllocation string
SecuritiesAllocation string
BlockForTrade string
IsecMargin string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 15:13:48",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"730663\"}",
"Checksum": "4ec61a9e7fa59f116da6e07781e5cda21bfde97b178f7d9d1a6d99677b1ab2fe"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"Message": "",
"TradeDate": "31-Mar-2021",
"BankAllocation": "6564463.8",
"SecuritiesAllocation": "0",
"BlockForTrade": "0",
"IsecMargin": "0"
ETF List
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
StockCode string
Exchange string
Category string
StockName string
PriceBand string
Spot string
MRGN_FLG string
SEGMENT string
LM_FLG string
MSG_TYP string
O_PRC string
MIN_CLS_RT string
MRGN_LMT string
ST string
ML_FLG string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 15:32:01",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"730686\"}",
"Checksum": "4cebc733b46287ab10981e0586adc89d46b49d14111fa7720d7757e6de5fc1e0"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"StockCode": "UTISEN",
"Exchange": "BSE",
"Category": "ETF - Index",
"StockName": "UTI SENSEX ETF",
"PriceBand": "20",
"Spot": "N",
"MRGN_FLG": "N",
"SEGMENT": "Rolling",
"LM_FLG": "N",
"MSG_TYP": "Y",
"O_PRC": "23",
"MIN_CLS_RT": "80",
"MRGN_LMT": "80",
"ST": "N",
"ML_FLG": "T",
"StockCode": "UTINIF",
"Exchange": "BSE",
"Category": "ETF - Index",
"StockName": "UTI NIFTY ETF",
"PriceBand": "20",
"Spot": "N",
"MRGN_FLG": "N",
"SEGMENT": "Rolling",
"LM_FLG": "N",
"MSG_TYP": "",
"O_PRC": "23",
"MIN_CLS_RT": "80",
"MRGN_LMT": "80",
"ST": "N",
"ML_FLG": "T",
"StockCode": "UTINI",
"Exchange": "BSE",
"Category": "ETF - Index",
"StockName": "UTI MF NIFTY NEXT 50 ETF",
"PriceBand": "0",
"Spot": "N",
"MRGN_FLG": "Y",
"SQRD_OFF_PCTG": "100",
"SEGMENT": "Rolling",
"LM_FLG": "N",
"MSG_TYP": "",
"O_PRC": "43",
"MIN_CLS_RT": "80",
"MRGN_LMT": "80",
"ST": "N",
"ML_FLG": "T",
NCD List
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
strType String N/A No
CategoryFlg String N/A No
search String N/A No
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
TotalCount string
Exc string
IssuerName string
NCDName string
CreditRating string
CouponRate string
Couponpayfreq string
LTP string
MaturityAmt string
EXDate string
RecordDate string
IndicativeYTM string
MaturityDate string
Couponpayoutdate string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 15:42:13",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"730697\"}",
"Checksum": "f7ee1fdc7b6a22ba7806f4746a8c5b194e932ea5568d198bcc96731e5d747e5c"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"objlmt": [
"Exc": "BSE",
"IssuerName": "NHPC LIMITED",
"NCDName": "NHPC LTD SR1B 8.43 02NV23 FV1K",
"CreditRating": "ICRA AAA",
"CouponRate": "8.43",
"Couponpayfreq": "Yearly",
"LTP": "1160",
"MaturityAmt": "1000",
"EXDate": "16-Mar-2020",
"RecordDate": "17-Mar-2020",
"IndicativeYTM": "3.65",
"MaturityDate": "02-Nov-2023",
"Couponpayoutdate": "01Apr"
"Exc": "NSE",
"IssuerName": "RURUAL ELEC CORP",
"NCDName": "REC 7.38% BD 19DC27",
"CreditRating": "IND AA+",
"CouponRate": "7.38",
"Couponpayfreq": "Yearly",
"LTP": "1170",
"MaturityAmt": "1000",
"EXDate": "NA",
"RecordDate": "NA",
"IndicativeYTM": "0",
"MaturityDate": "04-Jan-2017",
"Couponpayoutdate": "04Jan"
"Exc": "BSE",
"NCDName": "HUDCO 7.03% LOA 28MR23",
"CreditRating": "BWR AAA",
"CouponRate": "7.03",
"Couponpayfreq": "Yearly",
"LTP": "1091",
"MaturityAmt": "1000",
"EXDate": "12-Mar-2020",
"RecordDate": "13-Mar-2020",
"IndicativeYTM": "0",
"MaturityDate": "28-Mar-2023",
"Couponpayoutdate": "28Mar"
"TotalCount": "11"
Stock List
Parameter Type Deafult Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
exchgCode String N/A Yes Exchange Code
prodCode String N/A Yes Product Code
stckCode String N/A Yes Stock Code
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
StockCode string
eATM string
NRI string
BTST string
BuyBrokerMode_IM string
BuyBrokerMode_MM string
SellBrokerMode_IM string
SellBrokerMode_MM string
FlexiCash_ClientMode_IM string
FlexiCash_ClientMode_MM string
FlexiCash_ClientSquoffModeEnable string
ClientwiseStock_wiseLimit string
MarginPLUS string
BulletAllowed string
MarginPLUSMinDiff string
ProfitOrdAllowed string
LimitOrdAllowed string
ProfitPriceSLTPDiff string
SLTPUpdate string
MinTrailingAmount string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 16:07:16",
"JSONPostData": "{\"exchgCode\":\"NSE\",\"prodCode\":\"A\",\"stckCode\":\"A\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"730719\"}",
"Checksum": "37350958282a69d6c31b2a71ec833a16ca7d3f33482d501caf493e529484b051"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"StockCode": "A1CHAM",
"eATM": "N",
"NRI": "Y",
"BTST": "N",
"BuyBrokerMode_IM": "100",
"BuyBrokerMode_MM": "80",
"SellBrokerMode_IM": "100",
"SellBrokerMode_MM": "80",
"FlexiCash_ClientMode_IM": "0",
"FlexiCash_ClientMode_MM": "43",
"FlexiCash_ClientSquoffModeEnable": "N",
"ClientwiseStock_wiseLimit": "999999999999",
"MarginPLUS": "0",
"BulletAllowed": "N",
"MarginPLUSMinDiff": "4",
"ProfitOrdAllowed": "N",
"LimitOrdAllowed": "N",
"ProfitPriceSLTPDiff": "0",
"SLTPUpdate": "0",
"MinTrailingAmount": "0"
"StockCode": "A2ZMAI",
"eATM": "N",
"NRI": "Y",
"BTST": "Y",
"BuyBrokerMode_IM": "0",
"BuyBrokerMode_MM": "7",
"SellBrokerMode_IM": "0",
"SellBrokerMode_MM": "7",
"FlexiCash_ClientMode_IM": "0",
"FlexiCash_ClientMode_MM": "36",
"FlexiCash_ClientSquoffModeEnable": "N",
"ClientwiseStock_wiseLimit": "999999999999",
"MarginPLUS": "0",
"BulletAllowed": "N",
"MarginPLUSMinDiff": "4",
"ProfitOrdAllowed": "Y",
"LimitOrdAllowed": "Y",
"ProfitPriceSLTPDiff": "2",
"SLTPUpdate": "0.15",
"MinTrailingAmount": "0.05"
"StockCode": "AARDEN",
"eATM": "N",
"NRI": "S",
"BTST": "N",
"BuyBrokerMode_IM": "100",
"BuyBrokerMode_MM": "80",
"SellBrokerMode_IM": "100",
"SellBrokerMode_MM": "80",
"FlexiCash_ClientMode_IM": "0",
"FlexiCash_ClientMode_MM": "43",
"FlexiCash_ClientSquoffModeEnable": "N",
"ClientwiseStock_wiseLimit": "999999999999",
"MarginPLUS": "0",
"BulletAllowed": "N",
"MarginPLUSMinDiff": "4",
"ProfitOrdAllowed": "N",
"LimitOrdAllowed": "N",
"ProfitPriceSLTPDiff": "0",
"SLTPUpdate": "0",
"MinTrailingAmount": "0"
Prepaid Usage Summary
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
NRIPrepaidPlan string
EligibleTurnover string
UtilizedTurnover string
BalanceTurnover string
Planselected string
Initialvalue string
UtilizedAmount string
Remainingbalance string
StartDate string
ValidTill string
Closedate string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"11-May-2020 20:17:10",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"NRIPrepaidPlan": null,
"EligibleTurnover": null,
"UtilizedTurnover": null,
"BalanceTurnover": null,
"Planselected": "PPS25K",
"Initialvalue": "29750",
"UtilizedAmount": "0",
"Remainingbalance": "29750",
"StartDate": "27-Jan-2020",
"ValidTill": "27-Jan-2035",
"Closedate": "*"
}, {
"NRIPrepaidPlan": null,
"EligibleTurnover": null,
"UtilizedTurnover": null,
"BalanceTurnover": null,
"Planselected": "PPS25K",
"Initialvalue": "29750",
"UtilizedAmount": "29750",
"Remainingbalance": "0",
"StartDate": "23-Oct-2019",
"ValidTill": "23-Oct-2034",
"Closedate": "*"
My Messages
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
FROM_DT String N/A Yes From Date
TO_DT String N/A Yes Till date
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
MatchAC string
Date string
Message string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"11-May-2020 20:39:20",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"MatchAC": "8500011155",
"Date": "27-Jan-2020",
"Message": "Dear Customer, Amount of Rs 1974641.87 is outstanding in your account for more than 2 days. Hence we have placed your account in square off mode and cancelled fresh overnight orders in your account."
}, {
"MatchAC": "8500011155",
"Date": "27-Jan-2020",
"Message": "Dear Customer, Amount of Rs 1974641.87 is outstanding in your account for more than 2 days. Hence we have placed your account in square off mode and cancelled fresh overnight orders in your account."
}, {
"MatchAC": "8500011155",
"Date": "20-Jan-2020",
"Message": "We have received your request for switching to Running Account Authorization mode. We shall process the same within 5 working days. Please check my messages for updates."
Market Messages
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Exchange String N/A No
PgNo String N/A No
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
NewMessage string
TotPgNo string
Time string
Message string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "31-Mar-2021 17:31:56",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"730806\"}",
"Checksum": "8c68fed0a42230ad9a2318e31a4fad3492d81b4021c607c1ed5807401b7b7231"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"objlmt": [
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:15:13",
"Message": "NSE : The Call Auction 2 Market has closed for session: 4 dated 08 MAR 2021."
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Message": "NSE : under Regulation 10(5) in respect of acquisition under Regulation"
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Message": "NSE : PRICOLLTD : Disclosure under SEBI Takeover Regulations"
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Message": "NSE : 10(1)(a) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers)"
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Message": "NSE : : ANNOUNCEMENT"
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Message": "NSE : Regulations, 2011. A copy of the same shall be available on the NSE"
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:11:06",
"Message": "NSE : : Vanitha Mohan has submitted to the Exchange, a copy of disclosure"
"Time": "08-Mar-2021 13:05:00",
"Message": "NSE : (/common/CorporateAnnouncements)."
"NewMessage": "",
"TotPgNo": "110"
SEP Request Book
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
FrmDate String N/A Yes
ToDate String N/A Yes
Exchange String N/A No
StockCode String N/A No
OrderStatus String N/A No
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
Date string
SEPReferenceNo string
Exchange string
Channel string
Stock string
ProdTyp string
Quantity string
Amount string
Status string
Frequency string
TotalPeriod string
SEPStartDate string
SEPEndDate string
NextSEPDate string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"22-May-2020 13:56:03",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"Date": "22-May-2020 03:17:36",
"SEPReferenceNo": "SEP2020052202485",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Channel": "WEB",
"Stock": "ACC",
"ProdTyp": "A",
"Quantity": "1",
"Amount": "1500",
"Status": "O",
"Frequency": "D",
"TotalPeriod": "24",
"SEPStartDate": "22-May-2020",
"SEPEndDate": "22-May-2022",
"NextSEPDate": "Daily"
Existing SEP
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
Date string
SEPReferenceNo string
Exchange string
Channel string
Stock string
ProdTyp string
Quantity string
Amount string
Status string
Frequency string
TotalPeriod string
SEPStartDate string
SEPEndDate string
NextSEPDate string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"22-May-2020 13:56:03",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"Date": "15-May-2020 11:20:09",
"SEPReferenceNo": "SEP2020051502476",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Channel": "WEB",
"Stock": "BHAAIR",
"SEPType": "A",
"Quantity": "3",
"Amount": "2000",
"Status": "O",
"Frequency": "M",
"TotalPeriod": "6",
"SEPStartDate": "25-May-2020",
"SEPEndDate": "25-Oct-2020",
"NextSEPDate": "25-May-2020"
}, {
"Date": "15-May-2020 11:24:24",
"SEPReferenceNo": "SEP2020051502477",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Channel": "WEB",
"Stock": "STABAN",
"SEPType": "Q",
"Quantity": "10",
"Amount": "0",
"Status": "O",
"Frequency": "M",
"TotalPeriod": "-1",
"SEPStartDate": "27-May-2020",
"SEPEndDate": "",
"NextSEPDate": "27-May-2020"
}, {
"Date": "15-May-2020 11:25:44",
"SEPReferenceNo": "SEP2020051502478",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Channel": "WEB",
"Stock": "AXIBAN",
"SEPType": "A",
"Quantity": "2",
"Amount": "2000",
"Status": "O",
"Frequency": "F",
"TotalPeriod": "39",
"SEPStartDate": "27-May-2020",
"SEPEndDate": "27-Aug-2023",
"NextSEPDate": "27-May-2020"
SEP Stock List
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
ExchangeCode String N/A Yes Exchange Code
StockCode String N/A Yes Stock Code
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
StockCode string
StockName string
Exchange string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "01-Apr-2021 11:20:04",
"JSONPostData": "{\"ExchangeCode\":\"A\",\"StockCode\":\"ACC\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"731720\"}",
"Checksum": "6e97cfa020704a3f1ef7de8009e41b7158d2f71af84e4919564c116fe611bd13"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"StockCode": "ACC ",
"StockName": "ACC LIMITED",
"Exchange": "BSE"
"StockCode": "ACC ",
"StockName": "ACC LIMITED",
"Exchange": "NSE"
ETF SEP Stock List
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
ExchangeCode String N/A No Exchange Code
StockCode String N/A No Stock Code
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
StockCode string
StockName string
Exchange string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "01-Apr-2021 11:26:15",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"731755\"}",
"Checksum": "dfa798d8c9b144b7698b3fb5fb7f3c4a68c6c7008cca359fd3c340f66be1a6cb"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"StockCode": "BANBEE",
"Exchange": "NSE"
"StockCode": "BHABO1",
"StockName": "BHARAT BOND ETF APRIL 2023",
"Exchange": "NSE"
"StockCode": "BHABO2",
"StockName": "BHARAT BOND ETF APRIL 2030",
"Exchange": "NSE"
"StockCode": "CPSETF",
"StockName": "CPSE ETF",
"Exchange": "BSE"
"StockCode": "CPSETF",
"StockName": "CPSE ETF",
"Exchange": "NSE"
"StockCode": "DISHTV",
"Exchange": "BSE"
I-Sec Margin History
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
FROM_DT String N/A No Exchange Code
TO_DT String N/A No Exchange Code
Exchange String N/A No Stock Code
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
Tradedate string
Exchange string
Totalmargin string
SAMmargin string
Cashmargin string
OldIsecmarginamount string
ISecMarginDr_CrAmount string
Dr_Crtocustomer string
Status string
Indicator string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"28-May-2020 09:30:36",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"Tradedate": "12-May-2020",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "1736",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "1736",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "9827.44",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "1736",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "08-May-2020",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "0",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "0",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "9827.44",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "24-Feb-2020",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "0",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "0",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "9302.08",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "20-Feb-2020",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "0",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "0",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "9302.08",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "30-Jan-2020",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "0",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "0",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "9382.22",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "14.53",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "FAIL",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "23-Jan-2020",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "8043.75",
"SAMmargin": "14.53",
"Cashmargin": "8029.22",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "10890.97",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "1508.75",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "CREDIT",
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "03-Jan-2020",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "9803.06",
"SAMmargin": "14.53",
"Cashmargin": "9788.53",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "10890.97",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "23-Dec-2019",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "11868.36",
"SAMmargin": "14.53",
"Cashmargin": "11853.83",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "10890.97",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "20-Dec-2019",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "11868.36",
"SAMmargin": "14.53",
"Cashmargin": "11853.83",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "1203",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "9687.97",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "06-Dec-2019",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "2165.86",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "2165.86",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "1203",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "26-Nov-2019",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "2015.3",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "2015.3",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "1203",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "25-Nov-2019",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "2015.3",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "2015.3",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "1203",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "0",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "NEW",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "13-Jun-2019",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "0",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "0",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "203",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "406",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "FAIL",
"Indicator": "SYS"
}, {
"Tradedate": "12-Jun-2019",
"Exchange": "NSE",
"Totalmargin": "0",
"SAMmargin": "0",
"Cashmargin": "0",
"OldIsecmarginamount": "203",
"ISecMarginDr_CrAmount": "406",
"Dr_Crtocustomer": "DEBIT",
"Status": "FAIL",
"Indicator": "SYS"
SEP Place Order
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
TO_PERIOD String N/A Yes Period in Months
CDM_CD_ID String N/A Yes
ORD_ORDR_QTY String N/A Yes Order Qty
NN_VALUE_TRD String N/A No Trade Value
INTEREST_FREQ String N/A Yes Frequency
PRDCT_TYP String N/A Yes Product
BUY_SELL String N/A Yes Action
RQST_TYP String N/A Yes Request Type
XCHNG_CD String N/A Yes Exchange Code
GMS_STRT_DT String N/A Yes Start Date
ORD_STCK_CD String N/A Yes Stock Code
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
sip_allow string
TRD_REF string
PortExist string
IsOTPShow string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "01-Apr-2021 15:26:34",
"JSONPostData": "{\"TO_PERIOD\":\"24\",\"CDM_CD_ID\":\"999999\",\"ORD_ORDR_QTY\":\"1000\",\"NN_VALUE_TRD\":null,\"INTEREST_FREQ\":\"D\",\"PRDCT_TYP\":\"C\",\"PRTFLO_EXISTS\":\"N\",\"ORD_LMT_MRKT_FLG\":\"M\",\"BUY_SELL\":\"B\",\"RQST_TYP\":\"Q\",\"XCHNG_CD\":\"NSE\",\"GMS_STRT_DT\":\"28/05/2020\",\"ORD_STCK_CD\":\"ACC\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"732890\"}",
"Checksum": "48dbf7d580d835e5659deda7bdad6587081d2a364fe8f08bcdcad38d70b7053e"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"sip_allow": "28-May-2020",
"TRD_REF": "SEP2020052802488",
"PortExist": "",
"IsOTPShow": null
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
sellBuy String N/A No Action
recommType String N/A No
stockCode String N/A No Stock Code
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
CallType string
Act string
Stock string
Contract string
CMP string
RecmndFromPrice string
RecmndToPrice string
RecmndDate string
TRGT1 string
TRGT2 string
SLTP string
BookPartProfitPrice string
BookPartProfitPercent string
BookProfitPrice string
ExitPrice string
Remarks string
Potential string
TimeFrame string
BLK_FLG string
SETL_BEG_DT string
SETL_END_DT string
FUND_IN_DT string
FUND_OUT_DT string
PHY_IN_DT string
EX_BONUS_DT string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "04-Apr-2021 09:35:48",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"732363\"}",
"Checksum": "93e10c56150c5ff3bcdfe85443cfcac929ea4c3c1e2cb5910a0490197942a44a"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"CallType": "Margin",
"Act": "B",
"Stock": "GUJPPL",
"Contract": null,
"CMP": "102.4",
"RecmndFromPrice": "98",
"RecmndToPrice": "99",
"RecmndDate": "26-Feb-2021 10:54",
"TRGT1": "103",
"TRGT2": "0",
"SLTP": "97",
"BookPartProfitPrice": "0",
"BookPartProfitPercent": "0",
"BookProfitPrice": "0",
"ExitPrice": "0",
"Remarks": "*",
"Potential": "0",
"TimeFrame": "",
"BLK_FLG": "X",
"SETL_BEG_DT": "*",
"SETL_END_DT": "*",
"FUND_IN_DT": "*",
"FUND_OUT_DT": "*",
"PHY_IN_DT": "*",
"EX_BONUS_DT": "*"
"CallType": "Margin",
"Act": "B",
"Stock": "RELIND",
"Contract": null,
"CMP": "1970",
"RecmndFromPrice": "1945",
"RecmndToPrice": "1950",
"RecmndDate": "26-Feb-2021 10:43",
"TRGT1": "1990",
"TRGT2": "1995",
"SLTP": "1980",
"BookPartProfitPrice": "0",
"BookPartProfitPercent": "0",
"BookProfitPrice": "0",
"ExitPrice": "0",
"Remarks": "Market",
"Potential": "0",
"TimeFrame": "",
"BLK_FLG": "X",
"SETL_BEG_DT": "*",
"SETL_END_DT": "*",
"FUND_IN_DT": "*",
"FUND_OUT_DT": "*",
"PHY_IN_DT": "*",
"EX_BONUS_DT": "*"
"CallType": "Margin",
"Act": "P",
"Stock": "",
"Contract": null,
"CMP": "0",
"RecmndFromPrice": "0",
"RecmndToPrice": "0",
"RecmndDate": "26-Feb-2021 10:36",
"TRGT1": "0",
"TRGT2": "0",
"SLTP": "0",
"BookPartProfitPrice": "0",
"BookPartProfitPercent": "0",
"BookProfitPrice": "0",
"ExitPrice": "0",
"Remarks": "Market",
"Potential": "0",
"TimeFrame": "",
"BLK_FLG": "X",
"SETL_BEG_DT": "*",
"SETL_END_DT": "*",
"FUND_IN_DT": "*",
"FUND_OUT_DT": "*",
"PHY_IN_DT": "*",
"EX_BONUS_DT": "*"
"CallType": "Currency Options",
"Act": "B",
"Stock": "OPT-USDINR-25-Nov-2020-74-CE",
"Contract": null,
"CMP": "0.8675",
"RecmndFromPrice": "0.8625",
"RecmndToPrice": "0.8675",
"RecmndDate": "10-Nov-2020 17:42",
"TRGT1": "0.8725",
"TRGT2": "0.8675",
"SLTP": "0.8025",
"BookPartProfitPrice": "0",
"BookPartProfitPercent": "0",
"BookProfitPrice": "0",
"ExitPrice": "0",
"Remarks": "*",
"Potential": "0",
"TimeFrame": "",
"BLK_FLG": "X",
"SETL_BEG_DT": "*",
"SETL_END_DT": "*",
"FUND_IN_DT": "*",
"FUND_OUT_DT": "*",
"PHY_IN_DT": "*",
"EX_BONUS_DT": "*"
Share as margin: Modify Securities Limit
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
ANSWR_FLAG String N/A Yes A-Add or D-Reduce
BLK_AMT String N/A Yes Blocked Amount
BLK_FLG String N/A Yes E-Equity or F- F & O
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
message string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "04-Apr-2021 10:05:22",
"JSONPostData": "{\"ANSWR_FLAG\":\"A\",\"BLK_AMT\":\"1\",\"BLK_FLG\":\"F\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"732627\"}",
"Checksum": "83dbce51a6972d707c470806bbb06a95c50228d5c2d8eccc8812f01f0b05a9e6"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "You have successfully added the amount to your securities allocation."
Share as margin: Blocked Securities
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
Scrip string
DPID string
SAMQuantityBlocked string
ValuationPrice string
Valueofsecurities string
Haircut string
Limitcreated string
Blockforsale string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"09-Jun-2020 18:29:51",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"Scrip": "ICINIF",
"DPID": "10802627",
"SAMQuantityBlocked": "1",
"ValuationPrice": "97.71",
"Valueofsecurities": "586.26",
"Haircut": "6",
"Limitcreated": "551.0844",
"Blockforsale": "5"
Share as margin: Request Book
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
FrmDate string N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy
ToDate string N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy
StockCode string N/A Yes Stock Code
TYPE string N/A Yes Order TYPE
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type
DateTime string
Scrip string
DPAccount string
Quantity string
Haircut string
Value string
Type string
Status string
Remarks string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"09-Jun-2020 18:59:17",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"DateTime": "01-Jun-2020 08:30:47",
"Scrip": "ICINIF",
"DPAccount": "IN300183-10802627",
"Quantity": "1",
"Haircut": "6",
"Value": "9185",
"Type": "Block",
"Status": "Completed",
"Remarks": "User SAM Block"
}, {
"DateTime": "10-Jan-2020 12:03:55",
"Scrip": "ICINIF",
"DPAccount": "IN300183-10802627",
"Quantity": "5",
"Haircut": "15",
"Value": "53359",
"Type": "Block",
"Status": "Completed",
"Remarks": "User SAM Block"
ESP Orderbook Details
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
order_from_dt string N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy
order_to_dt string N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy
User_Data string N/A Yes "ALL"
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Status 200 Success,500 Failure
Error null if no error else Applicable error
order_xchng_cd String
order_stock_cd String
order_validity String
order_rate string
order_product String
order_status String
order_plctm String
order_plc_dt String
order_refrence String Order Reference
order_quantity string
order_open_qty string
order_executed_qty string
order_cancelled_qty string
order_expired_qty string
order_disclosed_qty string
order_stp_loss_price string
order_exchsegsettlement String
MsgTyp String
Remark String
Order_WeightedAveragePrice string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "05-Apr-2021 10:29:28",
"JSONPostData": "{\"order_from_dt\":\"23-May-2020\",\"order_to_dt\":\"09-Jul-2020\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"NIFTY123\",\"SessionToken\":\"742685\",\"User_Data\":\"ALL\"}",
"Checksum": "56aaccd92572c492da182809b50811f7642ef49a678f600959f3d77164e2d0da"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "REL100",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "115.63",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "C",
"order_plctm": "08-Jul-2020 14:03",
"order_plc_dt": "08-Jul-2020",
"order_refrence": "20200708N100000096",
"order_quantity": "221",
"order_open_qty": "0",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "221",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "ICIGOL",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "43.70",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "C",
"order_plctm": "08-Jul-2020 14:03",
"order_plc_dt": "08-Jul-2020",
"order_refrence": "20200708N100000095",
"order_quantity": "115",
"order_open_qty": "0",
"order_executed_qty": "0",
"order_cancelled_qty": "115",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "0"
"order_xchng_cd": "NSE",
"order_stock_cd": "ICINIF",
"order_validity": "",
"order_rate": "97.00",
"order_product": "C",
"order_status": "E",
"order_plctm": "06-Jul-2020 19:05",
"order_plc_dt": "06-Jul-2020",
"order_refrence": "20200706N100000019",
"order_quantity": "1120",
"order_open_qty": "0",
"order_executed_qty": "1120",
"order_cancelled_qty": "0",
"order_expired_qty": "0",
"order_disclosed_qty": "0",
"order_stp_loss_price": "0.00",
"order_exchsegsettlement": null,
"MsgTyp": "*",
"Remark": "*",
"Order_WeightedAveragePrice": "97"
FNO Order Book
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
MatchAccount String N/A No
FromDT String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy
ToDT String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy
EXCHANGE String Yes Yes "NFO"
OPERATION_TYP String N/A Yes "F" when underlying is blank else "D" when underlying is given.
PRDCT_TYP String N/A Yes Futures/Options
UNDRLYNG String N/A Yes Stock code (optional)
ORDR_STTS String Yes Yes "A" (ALL)
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
order_exchcd String "NFO"
order_stckcd String
order_ProductType String Futures/Options
order_OptionType String for Options, Call and Put/for Futures, *
order_ExerciseType String European,American
order_StrikePrice String
order_ExpryDt String
order_OrderValidDate String
order_OrderFlow String Buy/Sell
order_Limit_MarketFlag String "Market"
order_OrderType String IOC,Day
ORD_TYP String
order_LimitRate String
order_OrderStatus String
order_OrderReference String Order Id
order_OrderQty String
order_ExecutedQty String
order_CanceledQty String
order_ExpiredQty String
order_StopLossTrigger String
order_SplFlg String
order_channel String
order_Modify_CancelFlag String
order_LstTradePrice String
order_AcknowledgementNo String
order_MarginAmtBlocked String
order_ExecutedRate String
order_TradeValue String
order_Brokerage String
order_ContractNo String
order_TotalTradeValue String
order_FreshCoverFlag String
order_SquareOffatMarketFlag String
order_ACK_TM String
order_RQST_TM String
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "14-Apr-2021 12:30:05",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"787981\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"FromDT\":\"13-Mar-2021\",\"ToDT\":\"13-Apr-2021\",\"EXCHANGE\":\"NFO\",\"OPERATION_TYP\":\"F\",\"PRDCT_TYP\":\"F\",\"UNDRLYNG\":\"\",\"ORDR_STTS\":\"A\",\"MatchAccount\":\"8509000406\"}",
"Checksum": "cf7a1b49c76a9d827a8a9fcea5b40db3ab51df94a78d7529b18ac82f2348a5d3"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"order_exchcd": "NFO",
"order_stckcd": "TCS",
"order_ProductType": "Futures",
"order_OptionType": "*",
"order_ExerciseType": "European",
"order_StrikePrice": 0,
"order_ExpryDt": "29-Apr-2021",
"order_OrderValidDate": "12-Apr-2021",
"order_OrderFlow": "Buy",
"order_Limit_MarketFlag": "Limit",
"order_OrderType": "",
"ORD_TYP": "T",
"order_LimitRate": "305000",
"order_OrderStatus": "Executed",
"order_OrderReference": "202104121300000100",
"order_OrderQty": "300",
"order_ExecutedQty": "300",
"order_CanceledQty": "0",
"order_ExpiredQty": "0",
"order_StopLossTrigger": 0,
"order_SplFlg": "N",
"order_PipeID": null,
"order_channel": "WEB",
"order_Modify_CancelFlag": "N",
"order_LstTradePrice": 310000,
"order_AcknowledgementNo": "1113111118207391",
"order_MarginAmtBlocked": 0,
"order_ExecutedRate": 305000,
"order_TradeValue": 91500000,
"order_Brokerage": 0,
"order_ContractNo": "*",
"order_TotalTradeValue": "N",
"order_FreshCoverFlag": "",
"order_SquareOffatMarketFlag": "N",
"order_ACK_TM": "13-Apr-2021 11:11:18",
"order_RQST_TM": "13-Apr-2021 11:09:18",
Order Book Details
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
ModificationNumber string
ExchangeAcknowledgementDate string
Quantity string
Price string
RequestTime string
Remarks string
SLTPPrice string
ErrMsg String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "14-Apr-2021 12:48:28",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":788001,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"ORDR_RFRNC\":\"202104121300000100\"}",
"Checksum": "dece3e9e081ddb9d45cc61701f80ca0191e943243fc52e62e152c300198e16ab"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"ModificationNumber": "1",
"ExchangeAcknowledgementDate": "13-Apr-2021 11:11:18",
"Quantity": "300",
"Price": "305000",
"RequestTime": "13-Apr-2021 11:09:18",
"Remarks": "*-*",
"SLTPPrice": "0",
"ErrMsg": null
Modify Order
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_reference String N/A Yes order refrence of order
new_order_type String N/A Yes L – Limit,M – Market,S – StopLoss.
new_order_validity String N/A Yes I – IOC,T – DAY
new_order_quantity string N/A Yes
new_order_rate string N/A No In case of Market orders this filed is not required
new_order_stp_loss_price string N/A No Stop loss price in case of stoploss order.
ORDR_FLW String N/A Yes B- buy/ S- sell
XCHNG_CD String N/A Yes "NFO"
new_order_disclosed_qty string N/A No Disclosed quantity in case of order
ORD_VALID_DT string N/A No Order valid date
MatchAccount string N/A Returned in client details
alias string N/A No Pass only for DBC user
pipe_id string N/A No Pipe id returned from client details
trd_psswd string N/A No Pass only on trading password error
prdct_typ string N/A Yes F- Futures, O – Options, P -FurturePlus, U-FuturePlus SLTP, I – Optionplus
undrlyng string N/A Yes
expry_dt string N/A Yes Expiry date
order_opt_exer_type string N/A Yes CE – Call European PE – Put European , *E for Futures /Futureplus /FuturePlus SLTP
strk_prc string N/A Yes Strike price in paise , 0 for Future and FuturePlus
sim_flg string N/A No Pass ‘S’ for simultaneous modification only in case of Futureplus SLTP and OptionPlus both leg modification
ordr_rfrnc string N/A No This is Cover order reference
mkt_typ string N/A No L – Limit,M – Market
opnpstn_rt string N/A No This is Fresh order rate, 0 for fresh Market order
BNK_TRN_TYP string N/A Yes 'Y’ - For price improvement order, Else ‘N’
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
order_refrence String Order Refrence
Limits String Required Limits in Rs
Popupflg String 'Y' - show modify allocation,'N' - Do not show modify allocation
Indicator String Error Indicator : '-1'– For Error,'1'- Require Transaction password
Request Example:-
"time_stamp":"28-Apr-2021 22:18:00",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"order_reference": "202104241100000074",
"message": "Successfully Modified the order",
"Limits": null,
"Popupflg": null,
"Indicator": "0"
Cancel Order
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_reference String N/A Yes order refrence of order
XCHNG_CD String N/A Yes "NFO"
PRDCT_TYP String N/A Yes F- Futures, O – Options, P -FurturePlus, U-FuturePlus SLTP, I – Optionplus
MatchAccount String Returned in client details
alias String No Pass only for DBC user
pipe_id String N/A No Pipe id returned from client details
sim_flg String N/A No
ordr_rfrnc String Cover order reference
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
order_refrence String Order Refrence
Request Example:-
"time_stamp":"07-Apr-2021 08:31:13",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"order_reference": "201907011300000015",
"message": "Your Order Canceled Successfully"
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_stock_cd String N/A Yes
order_xchng_cd String N/A Yes Exchange for placing order. NFO/BFO
order_product Sting N/A Yes Futures,Options
order_exp_date String N/A Yes Expiry date format to be dd-Mon-yyyy
order_strike_price string N/A No price in paise
order_type String N/A Yes Limit,Market
order_validity String N/A Yes DAY
order_quantity string N/A Yes
order_rate string N/A No In case of Market orders this filed is not required
order_flow String N/A Yes Buy/Sell
order_stp_loss_price string N/A No Stop loss price in case of stoploss order.
order_trade_dt String N/A Yes Exchange trade date as retuned in client details
order_disclosed_qty string N/A No Disclosed quantity in case of order
MatchAccount string N/A Returned in client details
order_opt_exer_type string N/A Yes CE – Call European PE – Put European , *E for Futures /Futureplus /FuturePlus SLTP
trd_psswd string N/A No Pass only on trading password error
alias string N/A No Pass only for DBC user
pipe_id string N/A No Pipe id returned from client details
order_ctgry_indstk string N/A I – Index , S- Stock
order_type_fresh string N/A Pass only for FuturePlus SLTP and OptionPlus (fresh order type) : L – Limit,M – Market
order_rate_fresh string N/A Pass only for FuturePlus SLTP and OptionPlus in paise (fresh order rate)
BNK_TRN_TYP string N/A No Y - Price improvement order else ‘N’
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
order_reference String Order Refrence [Fresh order reference for Futureplus SLTP and Optionplus]
Limits String Required Limits in Rs
Popupflg String Y' - show modify allocation/N' - Do not show modify allocation
Indicator String Error Indicator : '-1' – For Error/ '1' - Require Transaction password
Request Example for Futures:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "28-Jun-2021 13:13:00",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"hulk\",\"SessionToken\":920334,\"order_xchng_cd\":\"NFO\",\"order_product\":\"F\",\"order_stock_cd\":\"NIFTY\",\"order_exp_date\":\"24-Jun-2021\",\"order_strike_price\":\"0\",\"order_flow\":\"B\",\"order_type\":\"M\",\"order_stp_loss_price\":\"0\",\"order_quantity\":\"75\",\"order_rate\":\"0\",\"order_validity\":\"T\",\"order_trade_dt\":\"24-Jun-2021\",\"order_disclosed_qty\":\"0\",\"order_opt_exer_type\":\"E\"}",
"Checksum": "2cd38a8303bfabaadf50d7e139fae3aeea6416fb5fbbe49e7a33eeb2eb427937"
Response Example for Futures:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"order_reference": "",
"message": "",
"Limits": "0",
"Popupflg": "N",
"Indicator": "-1"
Request Example for Options:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "14-Apr-2021 15:50:18",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":789180,\"order_xchng_cd\":\"NFO\",\"order_product\":\"O\",\"order_stock_cd\":\"ACC\",\"order_exp_date\":\"29-Apr-2021\",\"order_exc_type\":\"E\",\"order_opt_type\":\"*\",\"order_strike_price\":\"0\",\"order_flow\":\"B\",\"order_type\":\"M\",\"order_stp_loss_price\":\"0\",\"order_quantity\":\"500\",\"order_rate\":\"0\",\"order_validity\":\"T\",\"order_trade_dt\":\"07-Apr-2021\",\"order_disclosed_qty\":\"0\"}",
"Checksum": "4bc93ce5e0c8bed1bdd82b78bc97162aa143ea575271a9af693397603a931c28"}
Response Example for Options:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"order_reference": "201911041100000001",
"message": "Successfully Placed the Order."
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
Portfolio_FROM_DT String N/A Yes Date in DD-Mon-yyyy format
Portfolio_TO_DT String N/A Yes Date in DD-Mon-yyyy format
Portfolio_XCHNG_CD String N/A Yes "NFO"
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Portfolio_XCHNG_CD string
Portfolio_Product string Futures/Options
Portfolio_Product1 string
Portfolio_Underlying string
Portfolio_ExpiryDate string Expiry date format dd-Mon-yyyy
Portfolio_StrikePrice string
Portfolio_OptionType string Call/Put
Portfolio_ExerciseType string European,American
Portfolio_ExerciseType1 string
Portfolio_CategoryIndexPerStock string
Portfolio_TradeFlow string Buy/Sell
Portfolio_TradeFlow1 string
Portfolio_OpenPositionQty string
Portfolio_RealizedProfit string
Portfolio_UnrealizedProfit string
Portfolio_CurrentMarketPrice string
Portfolio_OpenPositionValue string
Portfolio_AveragePrice string
Portfolio_Charges string
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "15-Apr-2021 10:38:55",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":788745,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"Portfolio_XCHNG_CD\":\"NFO\",\"Portfolio_FROM_DT\":\"01-Apr-2020\",\"Portfolio_TO_DT\":\"14-Apr-2021\"}",
"Checksum": "3b7f56d50b8c772f48cc996f91e86c4adebd1ac0c514ddcd1e5149e14feead55"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"future": [
"Portfolio_XCHNG_CD": "NFO",
"Portfolio_Product": "Futures",
"Portfolio_Product1": "F",
"Portfolio_Underlying": "APOHOS",
"Portfolio_ExpiryDate": "31-Dec-2020",
"Portfolio_StrikePrice": "0",
"Portfolio_OptionType": "*",
"Portfolio_ExerciseType": "European",
"Portfolio_ExerciseType1": "E",
"Portfolio_CategoryIndexPerStock": "S",
"Portfolio_TradeFlow": "No",
"Portfolio_TradeFlow1": "N",
"Portfolio_OpenPositionQty": "0",
"Portfolio_RealizedProfit": "0",
"Portfolio_UnrealizedProfit": "0",
"Portfolio_CurrentMarketPrice": "0",
"Portfolio_OpenPositionValue": "0",
"Portfolio_AveragePrice": "0",
"Portfolio_Charges": "0"
"Portfolio_XCHNG_CD": "NFO",
"Portfolio_Product": "Futures",
"Portfolio_Product1": "F",
"Portfolio_Underlying": "TATCHE",
"Portfolio_ExpiryDate": "26-Nov-2020",
"Portfolio_StrikePrice": "0",
"Portfolio_OptionType": "*",
"Portfolio_ExerciseType": "European",
"Portfolio_ExerciseType1": "E",
"Portfolio_CategoryIndexPerStock": "S",
"Portfolio_TradeFlow": "No",
"Portfolio_TradeFlow1": "N",
"Portfolio_OpenPositionQty": "0",
"Portfolio_RealizedProfit": "0",
"Portfolio_UnrealizedProfit": "0",
"Portfolio_CurrentMarketPrice": "0",
"Portfolio_OpenPositionValue": "0",
"Portfolio_AveragePrice": "0",
"Portfolio_Charges": "0"
"option": []
Get Quote
Parameter Type Description/Remark Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
EXPRY_DT string N/A Yes Date in DD-Mon-yyyy format
XCHNG_CD string N/A Yes "NFO"
PRDCT_TYP string N/A Yes Futures,Options
UNDRLYNG string N/A Yes
EXER_TYP string N/A Yes European,American
OPT_TYP string N/A No Call,Put
STRK_PRC string N/A No
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
security_Exchngecode string
security_ProductType string
security_Underlying string
security_expiryDate string
security_exercisetype string
security_Optiontype string
security_Strikeprice string
security_LasttradedPrice string
security_LastTradedtime string
security_bestbidprice string
security_bestbidquantity string
security_bestofferprice string
security_bestofferquantity string
security_OpenPrc string
security_high string
security_low string
security_Previousclose string
security_Perchange string
security_highpricerange string
security_lowpricechange string
security_Totalquantitytraded string
security_Cashmarketquoteofunderlying string
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "14-Apr-2021 16:21:10",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":789307,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"EXPRY_DT\":\"29-Apr-2021\",\"XCHNG_CD\":\"NFO\",\"PRDCT_TYP\":\"F\",\"UNDRLYNG\":\"NIFTY\",\"EXER_TYP\":\"E\",\"OPT_TYP\":\"*\",\"STRK_PRC\":\"0\"}",
"Checksum": "528a54143bd8acb18f4755e4011dc4066e0917890e25a4e89bc6737a4bc4032b"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"security_Exchngecode": "NFO",
"security_ProductType": "Future",
"security_Underlying": "NIFTY",
"security_expiryDate": "29-Apr-2021",
"security_exercisetype": "European",
"security_Optiontype": "*",
"security_Strikeprice": "0",
"security_LasttradedPrice": 1440000,
"security_LastTradedtime": "13-Apr-2021 21:58:26",
"security_bestbidprice": 1400000,
"security_bestbidquantity": "3525",
"security_bestofferprice": 1440000,
"security_bestofferquantity": "300",
"security_OpenPrc": 1475000,
"security_high": 1480000,
"security_low": 1350000,
"security_Previousclose": 1443555,
"security_Perchange": -25,
"security_highpricerange": 1712285,
"security_lowpricechange": 1340050,
"security_Totalquantitytraded": "92775",
"security_Cashmarketquoteofunderlying": "15914.6"
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
TRD_DT String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
TradeDate string
ExchangeCode string
GroupID string
PayinDate string
PayoutDate string
Amount string
AvailableLimit string
BankAllocationAmount string
SecuritiesAllocationAmount string
BlockforTradeAmount string
ISECMargin string
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "15-Apr-2021 11:05:14",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":789006,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"TRD_DT\":\"15-Apr-2021\"}",
"Checksum": "9f5b4127cff0667821cc02dea65999be1c2cc28ad68fc0b076e4dfed169b6edb"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"objlmt": [
"TradeDate": "12-Apr-2021",
"ExchangeCode": "NFO",
"GroupID": "1",
"PayinDate": "12-Apr-2021",
"PayoutDate": "-",
"Amount": -135849166
"AvailableLimit": 9864150834,
"BankAllocationAmount": 10000000000,
"SecuritiesAllocationAmount": 0,
"BlockforTradeAmount": 0,
"ISECMargin": 0
Open Position
Span Open Position
Input Parameters:-
Parameter Type Deafult Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes session token
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Output Parameters:-
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Position_PRDCT_TYP String Product Type
Position_CTGRY_INDSTK String Category
PSTN_UNDRLYNG String Underlying
Position_EXPRY_DT String Expiry Date
Position_EXER_TYP String Exercise Type
Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW String Flow
Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY String Open Position Qty
Position_CVR_QTY String Cover Qty
Position_C_MTM_OPN_VAL String MTM open val
Position_LST_TRD_PRC String LTP
Position_U_TRD_MRGN String Margin On Position
Position_SPL_FLG String Record Type
Position_MIN_LOT_QTY String Lot Size
Position_UI_BUY_QTY String Buy Order Qty
Position_UI_SELL_QTY String Sell Order Qty
Position_U_MM_TRD_MRGN String Minimum Margin
Position_PRCNTG_CHNG String Market wide Open Position %
Position_SUB_BUF_CNT String Record Count
Position_ACTN_ID String Action Id
Position_BASE_PRC String Base Price
Position_OPT_TYP String Option Type
Position_STRK_PRC String Strike Price
PSTN_XCHNG_CD String Exchange Code
Position_AVM_PRCNT String Profit and Loss
Position_BAL_AMT String Available margin
Position_ERR_MSG String Error Message
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"683r5*Zo380~ycp76869V0Cz\u002675fZ9EW","time_stamp":"04-10-2019 08:51:28",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"SPANOpenPosition": [{
"Position_PRDCT_TYP": "F",
"Position_CTGRY_INDSTK": "S",
"Position_EXPRY_DT": "31-Oct-2019",
"Position_EXER_TYP": "E",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW": "N",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY": 0,
"Position_CVR_QTY": 0,
"Position_C_MTM_OPN_VAL": 0,
"Position_LST_TRD_PRC": 206935,
"Position_U_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Position_SPL_FLG": "A",
"Position_MIN_LOT_QTY": 250,
"Position_UI_BUY_QTY": 250,
"Position_UI_SELL_QTY": 0,
"Position_U_MM_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Position_PRCNTG_CHNG": 0,
"Position_EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO": "8500012121",
"Position_SUB_BUF_CNT": 0,
"Position_ACTN_ID": 0,
"Position_BASE_PRC": 0,
"Position_OPT_TYP": "*",
"Position_STRK_PRC": 0,
"Position_AVM_PRCNT": 0,
"Position_BAL_AMT": 0
}, {
"Position_PRDCT_TYP": "N",
"Position_CTGRY_INDSTK": "S",
"Position_EXPRY_DT": "",
"Position_EXER_TYP": "-",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW": "N",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY": 0,
"Position_CVR_QTY": 0,
"Position_C_MTM_OPN_VAL": 0,
"Position_LST_TRD_PRC": 0,
"Position_U_TRD_MRGN": 10254443,
"Position_SPL_FLG": "C",
"Position_MIN_LOT_QTY": 0,
"Position_UI_BUY_QTY": 250,
"Position_UI_SELL_QTY": 0,
"Position_U_MM_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Position_PRCNTG_CHNG": 0,
"Position_EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO": "8500012121",
"Position_SUB_BUF_CNT": 1,
"Position_ACTN_ID": 0,
"Position_BASE_PRC": 0,
"Position_OPT_TYP": "-",
"Position_STRK_PRC": 0,
"Position_AVM_PRCNT": 0,
"Position_BAL_AMT": 0
Futures Open Position
Input Parameters:-
Parameter Type Deafult Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes session token
FFO_PRDCT_TYP String N/A Yes Futures/Options
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Output Parameters:-
Parameter Type Description/Remark
PSTN_XCHNG_CD String Exchange Code
Position_SPL_FLG String Record Type
Position_PRDCT_TYP String Product Type
Position_CTGRY_INDSTK String Category
PSTN_UNDRLYNG String Underlying
Position_EXPRY_DT String Expiry Date
Position_EXER_TYP String Exercise Type
Position_OPT_TYP String Option Type
Position_STRK_PRC String Strike Price
Position_CNTRCT_TAG String Contract Tag
Position_MIN_LOT_QTY String Lot Size
Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW String Flow
Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY String Open Position Qty
Position_UI_BUY_QTY String Buy Order Qty
Position_UI_SELL_QTY String Sell Order Qty
Position_CVR_QTY String Cover Qty
Position_U_IMTM_SPRD_PL String Base Price
Position_LST_TRD_PRC String LTP
Position_AMOUNT String Margin On Position
Position_U_MM_TRD_MRGN String Minimum Margin
Position_U_ORDR_MRGN String Margin On Orders
Position_PRCNTG_CHNG String Market wide Open Position %
Position_ERR_MSG String Error Message
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"683r5*Zo380~ycp76869V0Cz\u002675fZ9EW","time_stamp":"04-10-2019 10:23:21",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"FUTOpenPosition": [{
"Position_PRDCT_TYP": "F",
"Position_CTGRY_INDSTK": "I",
"Position_EXPRY_DT": "31-Oct-2019",
"Position_EXER_TYP": "E",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW": "B",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY": 75,
"Position_CVR_QTY": 0,
"Position_LST_TRD_PRC": 1192985,
"Position_SPL_FLG": "A",
"Position_MIN_LOT_QTY": 75,
"Position_UI_BUY_QTY": 0,
"Position_UI_SELL_QTY": 0,
"Position_U_MM_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Position_PRCNTG_CHNG": 0,
"Position_EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO": "8542333333",
"Position_OPT_TYP": "*",
"Position_STRK_PRC": 0,
"Position_CNTRCT_TAG": "C",
"Position_U_IMTM_SPRD_PL": 11929.85,
"Position_AMOUNT": 0,
"Position_U_ORDR_MRGN": 0
}, {
"Position_PRDCT_TYP": "F",
"Position_CTGRY_INDSTK": "I",
"Position_EXPRY_DT": "-",
"Position_EXER_TYP": "-",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW": "B",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY": 75,
"Position_CVR_QTY": 0,
"Position_LST_TRD_PRC": 0,
"Position_SPL_FLG": "C",
"Position_MIN_LOT_QTY": 0,
"Position_UI_BUY_QTY": 0,
"Position_UI_SELL_QTY": 0,
"Position_U_MM_TRD_MRGN": 10280548.24,
"Position_PRCNTG_CHNG": 0,
"Position_EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO": "8542333333",
"Position_OPT_TYP": "*",
"Position_STRK_PRC": 0,
"Position_CNTRCT_TAG": "C",
"Position_U_IMTM_SPRD_PL": 0,
"Position_AMOUNT": 11041076.18,
"Position_U_ORDR_MRGN": 0
}, {
"Position_PRDCT_TYP": "F",
"Position_CTGRY_INDSTK": "S",
"Position_EXPRY_DT": "31-Oct-2019",
"Position_EXER_TYP": "E",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW": "S",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY": 250,
"Position_CVR_QTY": 0,
"Position_LST_TRD_PRC": 206935,
"Position_SPL_FLG": "A",
"Position_MIN_LOT_QTY": 250,
"Position_UI_BUY_QTY": 0,
"Position_UI_SELL_QTY": 0,
"Position_U_MM_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Position_PRCNTG_CHNG": 0,
"Position_EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO": "8542333333",
"Position_OPT_TYP": "*",
"Position_STRK_PRC": 0,
"Position_CNTRCT_TAG": "C",
"Position_U_IMTM_SPRD_PL": -2069.35,
"Position_AMOUNT": 0,
"Position_U_ORDR_MRGN": 0
Options Open Position
Input Parameters:-
Parameter Type Deafult Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
JSONPostData Data in JSONPostData has to be stringify
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes session token
FFO_PRDCT_TYP String N/A Yes Futures/Options
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Output Parameters:-
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Position_EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO String Match Account
PSTN_XCHNG_CD String Exchange Code
Position_PRDCT_TYP String Product Type
Position_CTGRY_INDSTK String Category
PSTN_UNDRLYNG String Underlying
Position_EXPRY_DT String Expiry Date
Position_EXER_TYP String Exercise Type
Position_OPT_TYP String Option Type
Position_STRK_PRC String Strike Price
Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW String Flow
Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY String Open Position Qty
Position_CI_BUY_QTY String Buy Order Qty
Position_CI_SELL_QTY String Sell Order Qty
Position_I_EXRC_QTY String Exercise Qty
Position_CVR_QTY String Cover Qty
Position_MTM_TRG_PRC String Trigger Price
Position_LST_TRD_PRC String LTP
Position_C_TRD_MRGN String Margin On Position
Position_C_ORDR_MRGN String Margin On Orders
Position_PRCNTG_CHNG String Market wide Open Position %
Position_MIN_LOT_QTY String Lot Size
Position_ERR_MSG String Error Message
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"683r5*Zo380~ycp76869V0Cz\u002675fZ9EW","time_stamp":"04-10-2019 10:24:47",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"OPTOpenPosition": [{
"Position_PRDCT_TYP": "O",
"Position_CTGRY_INDSTK": "I",
"Position_EXPRY_DT": "31-Oct-2019",
"Position_EXER_TYP": "E",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_FLW": "B",
"Position_C_OPNPSTN_QTY": 75,
"Position_CVR_QTY": 0,
"Position_LST_TRD_PRC": 30100,
"Position_SPL_FLG": "A",
"Position_MIN_LOT_QTY": 75,
"Position_PRCNTG_CHNG": 0,
"Position_EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO": "8542333333",
"Position_STRK_PRC": 1100000,
"Position_CI_BUY_QTY": 0,
"Position_CI_SELL_QTY": 0,
"Position_I_EXRC_QTY": 0,
"Position_MTM_TRG_PRC": 0,
"Position_C_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Position_C_ORDR_MRGN": 0
Margin Calculator
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Margin_RQST_TYP String N/A Yes
Margin_XCHNG_CD String N/A Yes
Margin_PRDCT_TYP String N/A Yes
Margin_UNDRLYNG String N/A Yes
Margin_EXPRY_DT String N/A Yes
Margin_STRK_PRC String N/A Yes
Margin_OPT_TYP String N/A Yes
Margin_EXER_TYP String N/A Yes
Margin_CTGRY_INDSTK String N/A Yes
Margin_CI_BUY_QTY String N/A Yes
Margin_CI_BUY_ORD_VL String N/A Yes
Margin_CI_SELL_QTY String N/A Yes
Margin_CI_SELL_ORD_VL String N/A Yes
Margin_C_OPNPSTN_FLW String N/A Yes
Margin_C_OPNPSTN_QTY String N/A Yes
Margin_C_ORG_OPN_VAL String N/A Yes
Margin_CBUY_EXCTD_QTY String N/A Yes
Margin_CSELL_EXCTD_QTY String N/A Yes
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
Margin_U_ORDR_MRGN string
Margin_U_TRD_MRGN string
Margin_ORD_AMT_BLKD string
Margin_C_BLKD_TRD_MRGN string
Margin_ERR_MSG string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "16-Apr-2021 11:06:16",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Margin_RQST_TYP\":\"W\",\"Margin_XCHNG_CD\":\"NFO\",\"Margin_PRDCT_TYP\":\"O\",\"Margin_UNDRLYNG\":\"NIFTY\",\"Margin_EXPRY_DT\":\"19-Apr-2021\",\"Margin_STRK_PRC\":\"1150000\",\"Margin_OPT_TYP\":\"C\",\"Margin_EXER_TYP\":\"E\",\"Margin_CTGRY_INDSTK\":\"I\",\"Margin_RQST_TYP\":\"S\",\"Margin_CI_BUY_QTY\":\"150\",\"Margin_CI_BUY_ORD_VL\":\"180000000\",\"Margin_CI_SELL_QTY\":\"0\",\"Margin_CI_SELL_ORD_VL\":\"0\",\"Margin_C_OPNPSTN_FLW\":\"N\",\"Margin_C_OPNPSTN_QTY\":\"0\",\"Margin_C_ORG_OPN_VAL\":\"0\",\"Margin_ROUT_CRT\":null,\"Margin_CBUY_EXCTD_QTY\":null,\"Margin_CSELL_EXCTD_QTY\":null,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":\"791096\"}",
"Checksum": "cda430ff11d38d0934cd02b1f25ec192665f39fed261e267d3abcb838b993d26"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"Margin_U_ORDR_MRGN": 0,
"Margin_U_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Margin_ORD_AMT_BLKD": 0,
"Margin_C_BLKD_TRD_MRGN": 0,
"Margin_ERR_MSG": ""
Isec Margin Details
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
TradeDate String N/A No
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
BAL_AMT string
PLG_AMT string
U_TRD_MRGN string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "10-May-2021 11:17:59",
"JSONPostData": "{\"TradeDate\":\"\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"hulk\",\"SessionToken\":834515}",
"Checksum": "19fd47673ebfd36ee19bad9dc8d1da2c457f3b77c8970847325865807311faba"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"BAL_AMT": "1.00000000002011E+18",
"PLG_AMT": "888",
"ORD_AMT_BLKD": "0",
"ADD_MRGN_AMT": "0",
"U_TRD_MRGN": "0",
Isec Margin History
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
ExchangeCode String N/A No
TradeDate String N/A No
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
TRD_DT string
XCHNG_CD string
C_TRD_MRGN string
DR_CR_FLG string
PSTN_FLG string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "16-Apr-2021 11:23:32",
"JSONPostData": "{\"ExchangeCode\":\"NFO\",\"TradeDate\":\"20-May-2019\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":791116}",
"Checksum": "6304760fccea775ed65fb0fdf047073c692b4d73c13e28f8d895cf4e93488153"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"TRD_DT": "03-Feb-2021",
"C_TRD_MRGN": "41268800",
"ADD_MRGN_AMT": "32482767",
"ORD_AMT_BLKD": "8786033",
"DR_CR_FLG": "D",
"PSTN_FLG": "Y",
"TRD_DT": "13-Jan-2021",
"C_TRD_MRGN": "32482767",
"ADD_MRGN_AMT": "96539700",
"ORD_AMT_BLKD": "64056933",
"DR_CR_FLG": "C",
"PSTN_FLG": "Y",
"TRD_DT": "29-Dec-2020",
"C_TRD_MRGN": "96539700",
"ADD_MRGN_AMT": "28006600",
"ORD_AMT_BLKD": "68533100",
"DR_CR_FLG": "D",
"PSTN_FLG": "Y",
Cash Projection
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
TradeDate String N/A Yes
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
MOD_TRD_DT string
PAYIN_DT string
XCHNG_CD string
AMOUNT string
GID string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "16-Apr-2021 12:39:12",
"JSONPostData": "{\"TradeDate\":\"20-May-2019\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":791116}",
"Checksum": "932faae98aa3a31bfc63415bba94241f3758cdf7cbd78cd596b9a231c12ac544"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"MOD_TRD_DT": "12-Apr-2021",
"PAYIN_DT": "12-Apr-2021",
"AMOUNT": "-442500",
"GID": "1"
Stock List
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
ExchangeCode String N/A Yes
ProductType String N/A Yes
StockCode String N/A No
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
STCK_CD string
HAIRCUT string
MIN_LOT_QTY string
PLG_QTY string
NET_TRD_VAL string
AVM_PRCNT string
UI_BUY_MRGN string
SPL_FLG string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "10-May-2021 01:47:30",
"JSONPostData": "{\"ExchangeCode\":\"NFO\",\"ProductType\":\"X\",\"StockCode\":\"\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"hulk\",\"SessionToken\":834515}",
"Checksum": "0f9fdddd9ec826cbe1f627c5507140926b8131d8e58c2b5a518ef86b4331f08b"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"BOARD_LOT_QTY": "500",
"SOMC_PRCNT": "0",
"SPREAD_MRGN": "3.5",
"HAIRCUT": "0",
"MIN_LOT_QTY": "0",
"PLG_QTY": "0",
"INTERVAL": "5",
"NET_TRD_VAL": "155",
"AVM_PRCNT": "0",
"UI_BUY_MRGN": "0",
"UI_SELL_MRGN": "0",
"SPL_FLG": "Y"
"BOARD_LOT_QTY": "1000",
"SOMC_PRCNT": "0",
"SPREAD_MRGN": "3.5",
"HAIRCUT": "0",
"MIN_LOT_QTY": "0",
"PLG_QTY": "0",
"INTERVAL": "5",
"NET_TRD_VAL": "30",
"AVM_PRCNT": "0",
"UI_BUY_MRGN": "0",
"UI_SELL_MRGN": "0",
"SPL_FLG": "Y"
"BOARD_LOT_QTY": "1250",
"SOMC_PRCNT": "0",
"SPREAD_MRGN": "3.5",
"HAIRCUT": "0",
"MIN_LOT_QTY": "0",
"PLG_QTY": "0",
"INTERVAL": "5",
"NET_TRD_VAL": "75",
"AVM_PRCNT": "0",
"UI_BUY_MRGN": "0",
"UI_SELL_MRGN": "0",
"SPL_FLG": "Y"
"BOARD_LOT_QTY": "3000",
"SOMC_PRCNT": "0",
"SPREAD_MRGN": "3.5",
"HAIRCUT": "0",
"MIN_LOT_QTY": "0",
"PLG_QTY": "0",
"INTERVAL": "5",
"NET_TRD_VAL": "80",
"AVM_PRCNT": "0",
"UI_BUY_MRGN": "0",
"UI_SELL_MRGN": "0",
"SPL_FLG": "Y"
Favourite List
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
ExchangeCode String N/A Yes
RequestType String N/A Yes
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
PRDCT_TYP string
EXER_TYP string
EXPRY_DT string
STRK_PRC string
OPT_TYP string
XCHNG_CD string
MIN_LOT_QTY string
TCK_SZ string
LST_TRD_PRC string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "16-Apr-2021 01:39:51",
"JSONPostData": "{\"ExchangeCode\":\"NFO\",\"RequestType\":\"F\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":791187}",
"Checksum": "6b04aff4f409fc02afbd52a4ff1c1e310cc384826e7a41d0b178297db1cdf9cd"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"EXER_TYP": "E",
"EXPRY_DT": "29-Apr-2021",
"STRK_PRC": "0",
"OPT_TYP": "*",
"MIN_LOT_QTY": "75",
"TCK_SZ": "0",
"LST_TRD_PRC": "1369445"
"EXER_TYP": "E",
"EXPRY_DT": "27-May-2021",
"STRK_PRC": "0",
"OPT_TYP": "*",
"MIN_LOT_QTY": "75",
"TCK_SZ": "0",
"LST_TRD_PRC": "1445760"
Converted To Future
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
ExchangeCode String N/A Yes
ProductType String N/A Yes
FromDate String N/A Yes
ToDate String N/A Yes
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
PRDCT_TYP string
EXPRY_DT string
STRK_PRC string
OPT_TYP string
EXER_TYP string
XCHNG_CD string
ORDR_FLW string
EXEC_QTY string
CLS_PRC string
RQST_TM string
CHANNEL string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "10-May-2021 12:13:53",
"JSONPostData": "{\"ExchangeCode\":\"NFO\",\"ProductType\":\"F\",\"FromDate\":\"22-May-2018\",\"ToDate\":\"22-May-2020\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":792154}",
"Checksum": "9a7352fce3fd187728391ca73a5975ebf110f2b8b7b0aba0443879640a3678d9"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"EXPRY_DT": "27-Dec-2018",
"STRK_PRC": "0",
"OPT_TYP": "*",
"EXER_TYP": "E",
"ORDR_FLW": "B",
"EXEC_QTY": "4000",
"CLS_PRC": "10700",
"RQST_TM": "01-Dec-2018 11:28:14",
Market Message
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
ExchangeCode String N/A Yes
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
TM_STMP string
REMARKS string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "10-May-2021 12:45:22",
"JSONPostData": "{\"ExchangeCode\":\"NFO\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"hulk\",\"SessionToken\":834515}",
"Checksum": "c51670f05e82a7658558e0bd81ed98cfa17e38cb70e02cd5a18507cbdc3bbc1a"}
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"TM_STMP": "08-May-2021 12:47:13",
"REMARKS": "The regular segment has closed for 08 MAY 2021."
"TM_STMP": "08-May-2021 12:47:13",
"REMARKS": "The Normal market has closed for 08 MAY 2021."
"TM_STMP": "08-May-2021 13:05:00",
"REMARKS": "The Normal market has preopened again."
"TM_STMP": "08-May-2021 13:05:40",
"REMARKS": "The PREOPEN period has ended."
"TM_STMP": "08-May-2021 13:06:00",
"REMARKS": "The regular segment has reopened."
"TM_STMP": "08-May-2021 13:06:00",
"REMARKS": "The Normal market has reopened."
"TM_STMP": "08-May-2021 15:30:00",
"REMARKS": "The Normal market has closed for 08 MAY 2021."
Profit And Loss Statement
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
fnoPnlFY String N/A No Financial Year
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
MOD_TRD_DT string
XCHNG_CD string
AMOUNT string
GID string
Request Example:-
{"AppKey":"266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09","time_stamp":"23-May-2020 15:52:07",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"MOD_TRD_DT": "21-May-2020",
"AMOUNT": "-3000000",
"GID": "1"
}, {
"MOD_TRD_DT": "13-May-2020",
"AMOUNT": "-636000",
"GID": "1"
}, {
"MOD_TRD_DT": "02-May-2020",
"AMOUNT": "3375000",
"GID": "1"
}, {
"MOD_TRD_DT": "28-Apr-2020",
"AMOUNT": "-15000000",
"GID": "1"
}, {
"MOD_TRD_DT": "27-Apr-2020",
"AMOUNT": "6477000",
"GID": "1"
}, {
"MOD_TRD_DT": "22-Apr-2020",
"AMOUNT": "4641750",
"GID": "1"
Trade Book Details
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
XCHNG_CD string
TRD_RFRNC string
PRDCT_TYP string
EXPRY_DT string
EXER_TYP string
OPT_TYP string
STRK_PRC string
TRD_DT string
TRD_FLW string
EXEC_QTY string
EXCTD_RT string
BRKRG_VL string
TRAN_CHRG string
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "25-Jun-2021 15:05:18",
"JSONPostData": "{\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":918727,\"ORDR_RFRNC\":\"202106221300000012\"}",
"Checksum": "b5f3e0d66cf79dcc97f5c9b1c089b2ec5e77f6afc10402648144ac0268c7926b"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"EBA_MTCH_ACT_NO": "8509000406",
"TRD_RFRNC": "202106221300000008",
"XCHNG_TRD_NO": "33341653",
"EXPRY_DT": "24-Jun-2021",
"EXER_TYP": "E",
"OPT_TYP": "*",
"STRK_PRC": "0",
"TRD_DT": "22-Jun-2021 15:38:39",
"TRD_FLW": "B",
"EXEC_QTY": "25",
"EXCTD_RT": "3800000",
"BRKRG_VL": "0",
"TRAN_CHRG": "0"
Limit Price Calculator
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
fno_UNDRLYNG String N/A Yes
fno_XCHNG_CD String N/A Yes NFO/BFO
fno_ORDR_FLW String N/A Yes B- Buy, S- Sell
fno_STP_LSS_TGR String N/A Yes
fno_SOURCE_FLG String N/A No P – From Placement / M – From Modification
fno_RQST_TYP String N/A Yes L – for FuturePlus SLTP / S - for OptionPlus / T – for Future price improvement order
fno_strk_prc String N/A Yes
order_opt_exer_type String N/A Yes CE- Call, PE- Put , *E - for Futureplus SLTP
fno_prdct_typ String N/A Yes U- FuturePlus SLTP, I- Optionplus, F- Futures
fno_expry_dt String N/A Yes Expiry date
fno_eba_mtch_act_no String N/A Returned in client details
fno_ordr_rfrnc String N/A Cover order reference
fno_avl_qty String N/A Pass when fno_rqst_typ = ‘M’
fno_lmt_rt String N/A Pass when fno_rqst_typ = ‘M’
fno_mkt_typ String N/A Pass when fno_rqst_typ = ‘M’
fno_opnpstn_rt String N/A Pass when fno_rqst_typ = ‘M’
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type
fno_LMT_RT string
fno_U_ORDR_MRGN string
fno_ERR_MSG string
fno_ACTN_ID string
Request Example:-
"time_stamp":"05-Apr-2021 22:22:39",
"JSONPostData":"{\"fno_RQST_TYP\":\"L\",\"fno_XCHNG_CD\":\"NFO\",\"fno_UNDRLYNG\":\"NIFTY\",\"fno_ORDR_FLW\":\"S\",\"fno_STP_LSS_TGR\":\"1400000\",\"fno_SOURCE_FLG\":\"P\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"PAVAN021\",\"SessionToken\":\"745700\",\"fno_strk_prc\":\"0\",\"order_opt_exer_type\":\"*E\",\"fno_prdct_typ\":\"U\", \"fno_expry_dt\":\"29-Apr-2021\",\"fno_eba_mtch_act_no\":\"8509000406\"}",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"fno_LMT_RT": "1395800",
"fno_AVL_QTY": "0",
"fno_ERR_MSG": "",
"fno_ACTN_ID": "0"
Square Off
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_stock_cd String N/A Yes
order_xchng_cd String N/A Yes NFO/BFO
order_product String N/A Yes F- Futures,O – Options,P -FuturePlus
order_exp_date String N/A Yes Expiry date
order_strike_price String N/A No
order_type String N/A Yes L – Limit,M – Market,S -stoploss
order_validity String N/A Yes T- DAY,I – IOC,V -VTC
order_quantity String N/A Yes
order_rate String N/A No
order_flow String N/A Yes B – Buy/S -Sell
order_stp_loss_price String N/A No
order_trade_dt String N/A Yes
order_disclosed_qty String N/A No
MatchAccount String N/A Returned in client details
order_opt_exer_type String N/A Yes CE – Call European,PE – Put European ,*E for Futures /Futureplus
trd_psswd String N/A No
alias String N/A No
pipe_id String N/A No Pipe id returned from client details
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remarks
message string Message returned from system.
order_reference string Order Refrence.
indicator string Error Indicator
Request Example:-
"time_stamp":"23-Apr-2021 23:18:00",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"order_reference": "202104231300000099",
"message": "Successfully Placed the order",
"Indicator": "0"
Add Margin
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
StockCode String N/A Yes
ExchangeCode String N/A Yes NFO
ProductType String N/A Yes F- Futures,O – Options,P -FuturePlus
CTGRY_INDSTK String N/A Yes S-Stock,I-Index
order_opt_exer_type String CE, PE, *E
Expry_dt String Expiry date
add_mrgn_amt String N/A Yes
cntrct_tag String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remarks
message string Message returned from system.
Order reference string Order Refrence.
Pipe id string
Action id string
Request Example:-
"time_stamp":"09-Apr-2021 20:36:13",
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Success",
"ACTN_ID": null,
"PIPE_ID": null,
"ORDR_RFRNC"": null
View Margin
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
JSONPostData String N/A Yes Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
ExchangeCode String N/A Yes 'NFO'
StockCode String N/A Yes Underlying
EXPRY_DT String N/A Yes
indstk String N/A No I-Index,S- Stock
lotsize String
LTP String Last traded price
MatchAccount String N/A Returned in client details
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remarks
C_ORDR_MRGN string FuturePlus SLTP order Margin
U_ORDR_MRGN string Futures order margin
U_TRD_MRGN string FuturePlus Order Margin
Request Example:-
"time_stamp":"20-Apr-2021 23:49:33",
Response Example:-
""Status"": 200,
""Error"": null,
""Success"": [
"C_ORG_OPN_VAL": "0",
"C_ORDR_MRGN": "7823250",
"U_ORDR_MRGN": "16145800",
"U_TRD_MRGN": "7823250"
Order Placement
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_COMP_CD string N/A Yes
order_VALID_FLAG string N/A Yes
order_MF_SCH_CD string N/A Yes
order_MF_TRANS_AMT string N/A Yes in case of redem this will contain amount or units.
order_MF_SCH_DESC string N/A Yes
order_MF_TRANS_CD string N/A Yes
order_MF_SCH_DIV_REINV_FLG string N/A Yes
order_MF_ALL_FLG string N/A Yes
order_DAY string N/A Yes
order_MF_FRE_MNTH string N/A Yes
order_MF_PRD string N/A Yes
order_ORD_TYP string N/A Yes
order_MF_NO_OF_UNITS string N/A Yes
order_PRDCT_TYP string N/A Yes
order_Folio string N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
order_INT_RATE String
order_transaction_id String Order Refrence
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "14-May-2021 11:27:21",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":\"841806\",\"Idirect_Userid\":\"cash10\",\"order_COMP_CD\":\"21\",\"order_VALID_FLAG\":\"M\",\"order_MF_SCH_CD\":\"081G\",\"order_MF_TRANS_AMT\":\"10000\",\"order_MF_SCH_DESC\":\"RS1\",\"order_MF_TRANS_CD\":\"P\",\"order_MF_SCH_DIV_REINV_FLG\":\"N\",\"order_MF_ALL_FLG\":\"N\",\"order_DAY\":\"0\",\"order_MF_FRE_MNTH\":\"0\",\"ORDER_MF_PRD\":\"0\",\"ORDER_ORD_TYP\":\"A\",\"order_MF_NO_OF_UNITS\":\"0\",\"order_PRDCT_TYP\":\"N\",\"order_Folio\":\"0\"}",
"Checksum": "885cd6c04c93980cb6abc7a6ae4781639e76e46b1d35ccb4c210865c7278bc2e"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Order placed successfully",
"order_INT_RATE": null,
"order_transaction_id": "511990"
Order Details
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_from_dt String T-7 days
order_to_dt String today
order_TRANS_STATUS_CD String
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of (Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
order_MF_SCH_CD String Response code - 0 Success, else failure
order_scheme String Scheme name
order_transaction_id String
order_transaction_type String
order_transaction_date String dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
order_last_nav string NAV
order_date String dd-Mon-yyyy
order_amount string Amount in Rs.
order_units string
order_status String
dp_id String
dp_account String
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "14-May-2021 11:36:34",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":841806,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"cash10\",\"order_from_dt\":\"06/07/2020\",\"order_to_dt\":\"14/05/2021\",\"order_TRANS_STATUS_CD\":\"%\"}",
"Checksum": "5b0bd5bcd2d67ea860340235c09f5aa9d3105350aef793b47a5e4fbcb95a28e7"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"order_MF_SCH_CD": "081G",
"order_transaction_id": "511990",
"order_transaction_type": "P",
"order_transaction_date": "14-05-2021 11:27:24",
"order_last_nav": 0,
"order_date": "14-May-2021",
"order_amount": 10000,
"order_units": 0,
"order_status": "O",
"dp_id": "N",
"INSTR_NO": "0",
"MF_FOLIO": "0",
"dp_account": "N",
"message": null
"order_MF_SCH_CD": "103D",
"order_scheme": "SBI BLUECHIP FUND - DIVIDEND",
"order_transaction_id": "371385",
"order_transaction_type": "P",
"order_transaction_date": "11-05-2021 00:00:00",
"order_last_nav": 0,
"order_date": "14-May-2021",
"order_amount": 1000,
"order_units": 0,
"order_status": "O",
"dp_id": "N",y
"INSTR_NO": "0",
"MF_FOLIO": "0",
"dp_account": "N",
"message": null
"order_MF_SCH_CD": "TSGP",
"order_transaction_id": "325677",
"order_transaction_type": "P",
"order_transaction_date": "27-12-2018 00:00:00",
"order_last_nav": 0,
"order_date": "14-May-2021",
"order_amount": 16500,
"order_units": 0,
"order_status": "R",
"dp_id": "N",
"INSTR_NO": "0",
"MF_FOLIO": "0",
"dp_account": "N",
"message": null
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_folio string NEW Yes
order_MF_TRANS_AMT string N/A Yes
order_COMP_CD string N/A Yes
order_MF_SCH_CD string N/A Yes
order_MF_FRE_MNTH string N/A Yes Monthly,Quaterly
order_DAY string N/A Yes
order_MF_PRD string N/A Yes
order_SCH_DIV_REINV_FLG string N/A Yes
order_ALL_FLG string N/A Yes
order_PRDCT_TYP string N/A Yes
order_ORD_TYP string N/A Yes
order_MF_NO_OF_UNITS string N/A Yes
order_MF_SCH_DESC string N/A Yes
order_MF_TRANS_CD string N/A Yes
order_MF_FRE_DATE string N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
order_transaction_id String Order Refrence
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "19-May-2021 10:54:53",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":851847,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"cash10\",\"order_Folio\":\"123/in\",\"order_MF_TRANS_AMT\":\"1000\",\"order_COMP_CD\":\"10\",\"order_MF_SCH_CD\":\"MCOG\",\"order_MF_FRE_MNTH\":\"-1\",\"order_DAY\":\"-1\",\"order_MF_PRD\":\"-1\",\"order_SCH_DIV_REINV_FLG\":\"N\",\"order_ALL_FLG\":\"N\",\"order_PRDCT_TYP\":\"\",\"order_ORD_TYP\":\"A\",\"order_MF_NO_OF_UNITS\":\"0\",\"order_MF_SCH_DESC\":\"RS1\",\"order_MF_TRANS_CD\":\"A\",\"order_MF_FRE_DATE\":\"15/07/2019\"}",
"Checksum": "21c4c4d8614fbe89f8cfc5e0822c1078783d5874f8eeeeaba186cdb6c173b697"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "SIP Order placed successfully",
"order_transaction_id": "283970"
SIP Modify
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_trnasaction_id String N/A Yes Transaction id of SIP to be modified/cancelled/paused
order_modify_cancel String N/A Yes Modify/Cancel/pause
order_amount string N/A No Required in case of modification
order_company_code Sting N/A No Required in case of modification
order_scheme_code String N/A No Required in case of modification
order_frequency String N/A No Monthly,Quaterly
order_day String N/A No Required in case of modification
order_REINV_FLG String N/A Yes
order_SCH_DIV_REINV_FLG String N/A Yes
order_ALL_FLG String N/A Yes
order_ORD_TYP String N/A Yes
order_SCH_DESC String N/A Yes
order_FOLIO String N/A Yes
order_FRE_DATE String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
SIP Book
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_sip_status String A Yes A-Active,C-Cancelled,X-Expired,Y.
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
response_code String Response code - 0 Success, else failure
order_scheme String Scheme name
order_transaction_date String dd-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
order_amount string Amount in Rs.
order_transaction_id String
order_start_date String dd-Mon-yyyy
order_end_date String dd-Mon-yyyy
order_frequency String
order_COMP_CD String
order_MF_SCH_CD String
order_period String
dp_id String
dp_account String
ORD_TYP String
MF_LD_CAT String
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "19-May-2021 10:54:25",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":851847,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"cash10\",\"order_sip_status\":\"Y\"}",
"Checksum": "16dc392b4f3349922bde031697318a86f7708b0c358d947b821e3517b8f42712"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"message": "N",
"order_transaction_date": "22-Mar-2021 03:50:05",
"order_amount": "6000",
"order_transaction_id": "364817",
"order_start_date": "23-Mar-2021",
"order_end_date": "-",
"order_frequency": "1 (Months)",
"order_COMP_CD": "14",
"order_MF_SCH_CD": "BFDP",
"order_period": "-1",
"dp_id": "",
"dp_account": "",
"ORD_TYP": "A",
"MF_AIP_AMT": "6000",
"MF_AIP_FOLIO": "Investment",
"SEM_STCK_CD": "-",
"PRTFLO_ID": "0",
"MDC_ISMARGIN": "Dividend",
"USR_ANSWR2": "",
"MF_TRANS_ID": "453",
"MF_FRE_MNTH": "5",
"MF_LD_TYPE": "Education",
"MF_LD_CAT": "edu1",
"UPS_PRTFLO_ID": "12",
"BNK_ACT_NO": "000401167659",
"UWL_WTCH_NM": "-",
"message": "N",
"order_scheme": "SBI BLUECHIP FUND - GROWTH",
"order_transaction_date": "09-Feb-2021 02:38:23",
"order_amount": "1000",
"order_transaction_id": "362196",
"order_start_date": "01-Mar-2021",
"order_end_date": "01-Jan-2023",
"order_frequency": "1 (Months)",
"order_COMP_CD": "21",
"order_MF_SCH_CD": "103G",
"order_period": "24",
"dp_id": "",
"dp_account": "",
"ORD_TYP": "A",
"MF_AIP_AMT": "1000",
"MF_AIP_FOLIO": "Investment",
"SEM_STCK_CD": "123/4",
"PRTFLO_ID": "0",
"MDC_ISMARGIN": "Growth",
"USR_ANSWR2": "",
"MF_TRANS_ID": "0",
"MF_FRE_MNTH": "0",
"MF_LD_TYPE": "Others",
"MF_LD_CAT": "",
"BNK_ACT_NO": "000401167659",
"UWL_WTCH_NM": "-",
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
order_company_code Sting N/A Yes order_company_code
order_scheme_code String N/A Yes order_scheme_code
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( AppKey + Time Stamp + client_key )
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Folio_No String
dp_id String
dp_account String
Holding_mode_type String
DematPopupFlag String
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "19-May-2021 10:54:12",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":851847,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"cash10\",\"order_company_code\":\"1\",\"order_scheme_code\":\"15\"}",
"Checksum": "b777ea6d7a683c8b8b7f25e37cdeb8ebb08a3754cce8fa2ee6927e631a0873f5"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"objMFFolio": [
"Folio_No": "111111/25",
"dp_id": "",
"dp_account": "",
"Holding_mode_type": "P",
"NO_OF_UNITS": "0",
"message": null
"DematPopupFlag": "N"
Unit Holding
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
portfolio_type String A Yes A - Holdings , Z - all holding.
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
portfolio_scheme String
portfolio_scheme_cd String
portfolio_company_cd String
portfolio_folio String
portfolio_units string
portfolio_last_nav string NAV
portfolio_date String dd-Mon-yyyy
portfolio_val_at_cost string
portfolio_val_at_nav string
portfolio_val_at_cost string
portfolio_val_at_mkt string
portfolio_realised_pnl string
portfolio_unrealised_pnl string
Holding_Mode string
dp_id string
dp_account string
one_clk_tran_id string
one_clk_plan_id string
plan_name string
plan_text string
one_clk_bskt_id string
basket_name string
message String Message returned from system.
response_code String Response code - 0 Success, else failure
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "69I1o_408312906X5z4K)1nG7P066062",
"time_stamp": "19-May-2021 11:07:59",
"JSONPostData": "{\"SessionToken\":851877,\"Idirect_Userid\":\"cash10\",\"portfolio_type\":\"A\"}",
"Checksum": "ac45f0e2ddccc2fa72bcd756c8e325857aa51a6b8ff04925aec846adbe9656bc"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [
"portfolio_scheme": "HDFC INFRASTRUCTURE FUND - GROWTH",
"portfolio_scheme_cd": "INFG",
"portfolio_company_cd": "10",
"portfolio_folio": "959522/08",
"portfolio_units": 430,
"portfolio_last_nav": 9.308,
"portfolio_date": "07-Feb-2021",
"portfolio_val_at_cost": 0,
"portfolio_val_at_nav": 0,
"portfolio_val_at_mkt": 4002.44,
"portfolio_realised_pnl": 0,
"portfolio_unrealised_pnl": 0,
"message": null,
"Holding_Mode": "P",
"dp_id": "7894561",
"dp_account": "7894561",
"one_clk_tran_id": "0",
"one_clk_plan_id": "0",
"plan_name": "",
"plan_text": "",
"one_clk_bskt_id": "0",
"basket_name": ""
"portfolio_scheme_cd": "AIFD",
"portfolio_company_cd": "18",
"portfolio_folio": "123465/12",
"portfolio_units": 500,
"portfolio_last_nav": 9.0207,
"portfolio_date": "07-Feb-2021",
"portfolio_val_at_cost": 0,
"portfolio_val_at_nav": 0,
"portfolio_val_at_mkt": 4510.35,
"portfolio_realised_pnl": 0,
"portfolio_unrealised_pnl": 0,
"message": null,
"Holding_Mode": "",
"dp_id": "N",
"dp_account": "N",
"one_clk_tran_id": "0",
"one_clk_plan_id": "0",
"plan_name": "",
"plan_text": "",
"one_clk_bskt_id": "0",
"basket_name": ""
"portfolio_scheme_cd": "92",
"portfolio_company_cd": "7",
"portfolio_folio": "SBBNAE217529",
"portfolio_units": 352,
"portfolio_last_nav": 33.6807,
"portfolio_date": "07-Feb-2021",
"portfolio_val_at_cost": 0,
"portfolio_val_at_nav": 0,
"portfolio_val_at_mkt": 11855.6064,
"portfolio_realised_pnl": 0,
"portfolio_unrealised_pnl": 0,
"message": null,
"Holding_Mode": "",
"dp_id": "N",
"dp_account": "N",
"one_clk_tran_id": "0",
"one_clk_plan_id": "0",
"plan_name": "",
"plan_text": "",
"one_clk_bskt_id": "0",
"basket_name": ""
Generate OTP
Generate OTP
Parameter Type Required Description/Remark
DeviceId String Yes Device Id
MobileNumber String Yes Mobile Number
NOTE: OTP will be send on register Email Id
Parameter Type Description/Remark
ErrMsg string Returns system Error
Request Example:-
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"UserId": ""
Verify OTP
Parameter Type Required Description/Remark
DeviceId String Yes Device Id
MobileNumber String Yes Mobile Number
OTP String Yes Generated OTP
Parameter Type Description/Remark
UserId string Returns User ID
ErrMsg string Returns system Error
Request Example:-
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"UserId": "test"
Amfi Scheme
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
PRTC_CD String A Yes Amfi code
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
Scheme_Code string Scheme Code
Scheme_Desc string Scheme Description
Comp_Code String Company Code
Comp_Name String Company Name
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "266HZ4!565`48*42c63U96XMF6965g09",
"time_stamp": "01-Jul-2020 19:24:29",
"JSONPostData": {"PRTC_CD":"100356","Idirect_Userid":"cash10","SessionToken":"614951"},
"Checksum": "CE2EE1AE5E450C10D0053535C59B3FDD98F4263B0E55CB134EEAC725344CF7E6"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"Comp_Code": "0",
"Comp_Name": "0"
UPI Registration
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
bank_acct_type String N/A Yes Bank account type
bank_name String N/A Yes Bank name
bank_acct_no String N/A Yes Bank account number
MICR String N/A Yes MICR code
IFSC_code String N/A Yes IFSC code
VPA String N/A Yes VPA
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "^05s57173rjn3451806732764Y1S*5l8",
"time_stamp": "12-Aug-2020 18:45:36",
"JSONPostData": {
"bank_acct_type": "S",
"bank_name": "AXIS BANK",
"bank_acct": "01510510151",
"micr_code": "400211006",
"ifsc_code": "UTIB0000020",
"vpa": "keshwanand@axis",
"record_no": "910",
"Idirect_Userid": "WK001979",
"SessionToken": "627781"
"Checksum": "531D410E3F674B4733382EDD90A5928A7EA227A6C944E82B1FF9B9BD29F3D553"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Success"
UPI Registration Status
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
user_id String User id
match_acct String Match account
bank_acct_type String Bank account type
Status String Status
bank_name String Bank name
record_no String Record number
bank_acct_no String Bank account number
rejection_reason String Rejection reason
requset_datetime String Requset datetime
MICR String MICR code
IFSC_code String IFSC code
branch_name String Branch name
VPA String VPA
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "^05s57173rjn3451806732764Y1S*5l8",
"time_stamp": "14-Aug-2020 17:55:02",
"JSONPostData": {
"Idirect_Userid": "cash10",
"SessionToken": "628464"
"Checksum": "E4189DC3149890213113A40B2DF4E8FFB799F6C28E7D989F77F28D3A416D25FF"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": [{
"user_id": "cash10",
"match_acct": "8500011155",
"bank_acct_type": "S",
"Status": "A",
"bank_name": "AXIS BANK",
"record_no": "962",
"bank_acct_no": "110002",
"rejection_reason": "",
"requset_datetime": "25-06-2020 10:16:09",
"MICR": "504211002",
"IFSC_code": "UTIB0000727",
"branch_name": "ADILABAD",
"VPA": "cash@cash"
}, {
"user_id": "cash10",
"match_acct": "8500011155",
"bank_acct_type": "S",
"Status": "P",
"record_no": "988",
"bank_acct_no": "0000055555",
"rejection_reason": "",
"requset_datetime": "23-07-2020 12:40:55",
"MICR": "400065002",
"IFSC_code": "ABHY0065002",
"branch_name": "ABHYUDAYA NAGAR",
"VPA": "awb@123"
}, {
"user_id": "cash10",
"match_acct": "8500011155",
"bank_acct_type": "S",
"Status": "P",
"bank_name": "AXIS BANK",
"record_no": "1003",
"bank_acct_no": "5244123123",
"rejection_reason": "",
"requset_datetime": "11-08-2020 20:00:11",
"MICR": "504211002",
"IFSC_code": "UTIB0000727",
"branch_name": "ADILABAD",
"VPA": "railtest@icici"
UPI Modification
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
bank_acct_type String N/A Yes Bank account type
bank_name String N/A Yes Bank name
bank_acct String N/A Yes Bank account number
micr_code String N/A Yes MICR code
ifsc_code String N/A Yes IFSC code
vpa String N/A Yes VPA
record_no String N/A Yes Record number
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "^05s57173rjn3451806732764Y1S*5l8",
"time_stamp": "12-Aug-2020 18:45:36",
"JSONPostData": {
"bank_acct_type": "S",
"bank_name": "AXIS BANK",
"bank_acct": "01510510151",
"micr_code": "400211006",
"ifsc_code": "UTIB0000020",
"vpa": "keshwanand@axis",
"record_no": "910",
"Idirect_Userid": "WK001979",
"SessionToken": "627781"
"Checksum": "531D410E3F674B4733382EDD90A5928A7EA227A6C944E82B1FF9B9BD29F3D553"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Success"
UPI Verification
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
bank_name String N/A Yes Bank name
bank_acct_no String N/A Yes Bank account number
VPA String N/A Yes VPA
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "^05s57173rjn3451806732764Y1S*5l8",
"time_stamp": "14-Aug-2020 17:38:52",
"JSONPostData": {
"bank_name": "AXIS BANK",
"bank_acct_no": "01510510151",
"VPA": "keshwanand@axis",
"Idirect_Userid": "cash10",
"SessionToken": "628455"
"Checksum": "41416DE335F1B04D04258F6E4D8ED53D7AA1C6D7EE87A9C4365A88A4D75794B9"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Success"
UPI Deletion
Parameter Type Default Required Description/Remark
AppKey String N/A Yes
time_stamp String N/A Yes Format :- DD-Mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
Request will be honoured only if server time stamp and client timestamp is between 60 seconds
Idirect_Userid String N/A Yes idirect userid returned in client details api
vpa String N/A Yes VPA
record_no String N/A Yes Record number
SessionToken String N/A Yes
Checksum String N/A Yes Combination of ( Time Stamp + JSONPostData + secret_key)
Parameter Type Description/Remark
message String Message returned from system.
Request Example:-
"AppKey": "^05s57173rjn3451806732764Y1S*5l8",
"time_stamp": "14-Aug-2020 17:41:26",
"JSONPostData": {
"vpa": "keshwanand@axis",
"record_no": "910",
"Idirect_Userid": "cash10",
"SessionToken": "628455"
"Checksum": "1E4219CC52776C782484A74D6BA9441A3C3B14C7062F7FE965744DDEEC7EEE57"
Response Example:-
"Status": 200,
"Error": null,
"Success": {
"message": "Success"